Friday, November 5, 2010

Gallbladder Polyps Treatment

squirrels stuffed with mango

- scoiattlolo None were harmed during the making of this post -

No, not with this post I want to inaugurate a new section of my blog to talk about recipes scary
Later you will understand the meaning of the title! !

Yesterday was my day off (finally! We are a bit 'short-staffed at work, and then I have to jump on duty and 10 hours and 8.9 hours !!!), so I decided to make the tourists .. and more specifically to visit REGENT'S PARK!

Regent's Park is one of London's Royal Parks, is enormous and is 5-10 minutes walk from where I work .. was therefore required to drop by!

First stop, the "St. John's Wood Church Gardens" .. a park's small but very nice!

inside there is also an ancient cemetery, really impressive!

after that, I moved to Regent's Park!

start along the Boating Lake and the surrounding park, full of swans, ducks, gulls and a number of birds!

Passing through the Clarence Bridge to get in front of the Regent's College, but unfortunately you can only see from afar, because the entire perimeter is fenced and can only enter with a student card!

then decided to walk towards the Queen Mary's Garden ...

is all a blaze of flowers, especially roses!
is really beautiful, there are lots of flower beds with roses, a lot different from what the gardeners have added to the cards with the name.

I obviously step tuuuuutte long time to smell the roses ... I ended up a bit 'of a headache because of all this fragrance, but it was definitely worth it!

continue my stroll through the park .. the sun is going down and the light is beautiful!
Here I am in a small self-timer ^ __ ^

and a photo of the park here instead

I continue with my stroll through a park and education through the Avenue Garden .. less characteristic, but also their remarkable ^ __ ^

And finally ..... THEM!


creatures are adorable!
inteligentissimi are, they have become accustomed to people and even know that almost everyone is willing to stretch some snacks .. so if you start to call (clicking his tongue on the teeth) and extend the hand they come to watch you got to offer!

I are provided with pieces of mango .. and they liked it so much and are stuffed properly (hence the title of this post )!
I stretched out my hand, and they approached me and took the piece of fruit directly hands ... dungeon!

soon will load the video that I shot with the squirrels .. allowing connection! ^___^

In conclusion: Regent's Park is really to see, is huge (I have seen about one third in 2-3 hours!) And is full of beautiful and unique things to see!
passed with flying colors!!


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