Saturday, November 20, 2010

Paracetamol Can Kill Dogs

this week, up MelaChannel ..

Urca, has already been a week!
Where have I been? Mostly at work, as usual, because we are always busy and full of customers O__O
The area is not tourism, but it is very "posh", very wealthy .. and then the flow of customers is still loooong!
Fortunately, a new girl arrives on Monday to work with us (is English, has already worked with us one day and it seemed very nice, we hope that the first impression is correct!), So we'll have a little breathing ^ ___ ^

addition, the real news of the week I had two giorni di riposo !!!
che bellezza !!!!

E come ho sfruttato queste due giornate ??
Partiamo con ordine, con MERCOLEDI'

fortunatamente anche Federica era a casa, così abbiamo girato assieme ^___^
Abbiamo passato tutta la mattinata alla Tate Britain .. molto molto bella !!!

C'erano delle opere davvero spettacolari, ma purtroppo alcuni tratti del museo non mi sono piaciuti ^_^'
Lo so, cosa ci volete fare ?? sono una donna terra-terra io, se mi metti li un pannello tutto nero (o rosso, rosa ecc) e basta a me viene in mente un esposizione di piastrelle/parquet, non un opera da esporre in a museum!
Apart from this, the Tate Britain is Highly recommended: not one of my favorite museums in London, but truly deserves! And it's free

Outside the museum we took a bus that took us through tuuuuutta London in Camden Town!
The bus ride was interesting because we passed some of the most characteristic sights of London, was a pleasure to see them again!

After a lot 'of time (and a good sleep of the undersigned) we arrived in Camden Town!
What about ... I love this place!
not get tired never to visit it, there's always something new and special to see!

This time the prize "does not believe it!" of the week goes to a very particular type of foot massage ....

There, you see those tanks with water?
From the photo (made in secret ehehe) can not be seen, but those are small fishes!
stick to walk, and eat the dead skin O_____O

After visiting (unfortunately a bit 'fast), Camden Town, it's time to do some' expense .... and then we can finally go out to dinner!
Tonight we celebrate our first month in London ... cabbage, has already passed a month!
Sometimes it seems to me to be here any day, sometimes for years ... but a month is very impressive!

I said, we went to dinner ^ __ ^
by ABEN, a place that I love the madness!

here is the official site:
boredom and e have eaten one of their dishes: the okonomyaki

* __ * They're kind of "pancakes" or "pancakes" made with cabbage , water, egg, dashi broth .. and more seasoned as you like!
you this "Kiss me Licia" and the restaurant Marrabbio?
Here, they cook okonomyaki! ^___^

The room tables are four, with a plate in the middle, where exactly will the cooked Okonomiyaki, or have the plates on the counter!

is all done before our eyes, even the cook mixes the ingredients in front of you! cooking is too fascinating, pinpoint accuracy!
are ultimately made the dips (again ... make the most perfect spirals of mayonnaise, not even with a compass!) And strips of smoked tuna .. these are too funny, because the heat ehehhe
seem alive, and the result ..... OTTIMISSIMISSSSSIMO *____*

And here we are in THURSDAY '
have suddenly become lazy, and so I spent practically the whole morning I left home ^___^'
only in the early afternoon, and I headed down to two markets .
First of all, a trip to Borough Market.

It 's a wonderful food market .. I expected bigger, but I was pleasantly surprised comuqnue!
We definitely will return to do some 'spending, and also to buy back those fantastic brownies that I have porridge for tea, yum yum!

As a second market I chose the 'Old Spitalfields Market.
On Thursday there are stalls selling antiques and vintage .. Unfortunately, the market closes at 17 and I came loooong overdue, so I could only do a quick lap.

But we will come back safe because, although there have been for a short time, I made a good impression!
I also had time to buy a mess of buttons, only 3 per pound: to be honest I served five to decorate a circle .... but they were so beautiful, the man who sold them to me was so kind, good price .... I know, are weak!
XD So my homework is: to find a way to use tuuuutti buttons! maybe make myself a necklace! ^ __ ^

The next day, Friday ', I expect not only a luuuunga working day .. but two hours of after-work meeting!
I was really demoralized (or mad? Ehehe), but I changed my mind!

First, even the colleagues who were in turn helped me to make a closing *___*
then, around 19.30, have dropped down a bit 'the lights, put on the music (jazz ... I hate it, but Oh well ^__^') and above have appeared two bottles of wine and brownies!
ok, I do not know you .. the meeting but I imagined them in a bit different!! So

We have listened carefully to our manager who spoke, we (I ^__^') guzzle two glasses of rose wine ... and finally we decided to decorate the store for Christmas !!!!!
And I really enjoyed it (thanks to bad jokes about balls XD)!
We returned home at 22, but it is still worth it .. ah, if every day at work was so !!!!!

That's it, guys!
you soon! ^___^


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