Saturday, December 18, 2010

Totoy Madriaga Rent Gown

Pause vital

E' nelle pause
che ritrovo me stesso.

Paper Restaurant Hats


Poveri abeti,
truccati a Natale
come puttane a festa.

Vaseline For Masterbation


Più aumentano i mezzi di comunicazione,
e meno comunichiamo veramente.

Ride Of Valkyrie Online


Come fiocco di neve
che puro attraversa il cielo
e infine si mischia al fango.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kenstar Microwave Oven Manual

beginning of the year I'm still alive!

summary of previous games. Anna

as well as the Mela in London

no, they are not gone nor they are dispersed in a pile of snow (even though the company of a beautiful St. Bernard with his flask of whiskey, I would not mind!) .. are still alive and kicking!

The problem is that they are almost always at work!
's really a busy period at work, Christmas is approaching .... and when I get home I try to do everything in reference week, to make a type washing machine, take off my mustache (I was becoming a sort of lieutenant Garcia in a skirt), cook something myself and not have always been my best friend .. or chess, shooting a bit 'to London!

and exactly, speaking tours for London ... I'll tell you where I've been lately! Two

ago Wednesday I went to the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM!

Abstract: The natural history museum in my opinion is one of the milestones for all tourists in London.
I exaggerated, but for me it is one of the most beautiful places that you can find in town!
even if you have time, desire, if there is poor alignment of the stars, do me and yourselves a favor revenue just to see the entrance (and then is free, so even better)!

like being in a cathedral, it is wonderful!

Then you will find at the skeleton of a dinosaur and other items ..

.. and continuing up the stairs you will find the section of a giant sequoia that is really big!

The first time I was in London as a tourist, I had also made this small lap ... but this time I found myself, Federica and Andres and we decided to turn to the right gallery!

FOUR HOURS it took us four hours.
and we left because we had not finished watching all the things on display, because we saw it in four hours and no mid-museum! We are unfortunately due to leave because visiting hours had ended! ç_____ç

The December 1, instead, I spent all Christmas shopping!!
Covent Garden, Oxford Street, China town, the usual round anyway ... but I managed to find all the gifts that I had set out to buy!! ^___^

the evening we found ourselves with Andres, a Colombian friend of ours, to explore the Winter Wonderland: Christmas fair in Hyde Park.
There are so many rides and some market .. is not a traditional market such as ones I've seen in Germany, and there was a little 'bad! but after all it was nice!

But I found that there are a couple of Christmas markets in London ... I absolutely have to visit them!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Kind Of Stem Has Camote Have?


Ci sono dei periodi in cui ho fame di memoria.

Pokemon Diamont Voor Mac


L'aforisma è un'assoluzione compiaciuta dei nostri difetti.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Specialized Dolce Elite


non vuol dire sempre

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Notorious Jewel Shelly

Rome, the city of too

Roma sembra una città troppo hostile, when you begin to live. Too large, too attractive, too populous. Too busy and tired. A "town too, which apparently seems to reject its majesty. The objective difficulty to move and dating does not help those seeking to become acquainted with the 'eternal . That we go to work or simply a friend's house, the cinema or the presentation of a book, almost always have to take a trip. You need to reckon with an hour by car or public transport, whatever you plan to do. A city
bumper here's what I thought the first year I lived here. A city that has itself il rischio di sublimare il vizio, perché offre alibi ai ritardatari, agli indolenti, ai furbi, agli scansafatiche. Un buco nero in cui è facile perdersi, risucchiati dall’anonimato, dall’essere troppo poco in questo troppo eccessivo.
Ma se si ha la forza di superare il primo anno, Roma non è più quello che appare. Durante il corso di sopravvivenza, si impara a gestire il tempo. A capire le priorità. A scansare i cortei e ad ammirare vie nuove. A immaginarsi possibilità, artistiche e lavorative, che altrove ti vengono negate.
Quel troppo che storpia, soprattutto se si è in possesso di una marcia in più, diventa occasione. Diventa un ulteriore che assomiglia all’orizzonte is growing. The opportunity is no longer appropriate and may find themselves getting lost is. Similarly, the 'eternal is no longer the shadowy metropolis where annihilation of anonymity, but a set of neighborhoods that have a heart and a strong identity. The mass is nothing more than the sum of humanity and a thousand souls, living a thousand cultures, embrace of a thousand lives and a thousand different styles.
Thus Rome, suddenly, I finally appears for what it is: a friendly city, caressing without suffocating. Exciting to learn how to overcome hardships and difficulties, to get out of your shell if you have something anonymous to say, to do and give.
who loves too do not like enough, said an old adage. And in Rome, "the city of too much," you can not seem to get enough. Why the 'eternal does not end, because the' eternal you do not get enough.

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Being alone is good: you train

Blood On Blood Soul Eater

Turn the page

turn the page, and

a piece of your life - your story -
becomes only a memory.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Paracetamol Can Kill Dogs

this week, up MelaChannel ..

Urca, has already been a week!
Where have I been? Mostly at work, as usual, because we are always busy and full of customers O__O
The area is not tourism, but it is very "posh", very wealthy .. and then the flow of customers is still loooong!
Fortunately, a new girl arrives on Monday to work with us (is English, has already worked with us one day and it seemed very nice, we hope that the first impression is correct!), So we'll have a little breathing ^ ___ ^

addition, the real news of the week I had two giorni di riposo !!!
che bellezza !!!!

E come ho sfruttato queste due giornate ??
Partiamo con ordine, con MERCOLEDI'

fortunatamente anche Federica era a casa, così abbiamo girato assieme ^___^
Abbiamo passato tutta la mattinata alla Tate Britain .. molto molto bella !!!

C'erano delle opere davvero spettacolari, ma purtroppo alcuni tratti del museo non mi sono piaciuti ^_^'
Lo so, cosa ci volete fare ?? sono una donna terra-terra io, se mi metti li un pannello tutto nero (o rosso, rosa ecc) e basta a me viene in mente un esposizione di piastrelle/parquet, non un opera da esporre in a museum!
Apart from this, the Tate Britain is Highly recommended: not one of my favorite museums in London, but truly deserves! And it's free

Outside the museum we took a bus that took us through tuuuuutta London in Camden Town!
The bus ride was interesting because we passed some of the most characteristic sights of London, was a pleasure to see them again!

After a lot 'of time (and a good sleep of the undersigned) we arrived in Camden Town!
What about ... I love this place!
not get tired never to visit it, there's always something new and special to see!

This time the prize "does not believe it!" of the week goes to a very particular type of foot massage ....

There, you see those tanks with water?
From the photo (made in secret ehehe) can not be seen, but those are small fishes!
stick to walk, and eat the dead skin O_____O

After visiting (unfortunately a bit 'fast), Camden Town, it's time to do some' expense .... and then we can finally go out to dinner!
Tonight we celebrate our first month in London ... cabbage, has already passed a month!
Sometimes it seems to me to be here any day, sometimes for years ... but a month is very impressive!

I said, we went to dinner ^ __ ^
by ABEN, a place that I love the madness!

here is the official site:
boredom and e have eaten one of their dishes: the okonomyaki

* __ * They're kind of "pancakes" or "pancakes" made with cabbage , water, egg, dashi broth .. and more seasoned as you like!
you this "Kiss me Licia" and the restaurant Marrabbio?
Here, they cook okonomyaki! ^___^

The room tables are four, with a plate in the middle, where exactly will the cooked Okonomiyaki, or have the plates on the counter!

is all done before our eyes, even the cook mixes the ingredients in front of you! cooking is too fascinating, pinpoint accuracy!
are ultimately made the dips (again ... make the most perfect spirals of mayonnaise, not even with a compass!) And strips of smoked tuna .. these are too funny, because the heat ehehhe
seem alive, and the result ..... OTTIMISSIMISSSSSIMO *____*

And here we are in THURSDAY '
have suddenly become lazy, and so I spent practically the whole morning I left home ^___^'
only in the early afternoon, and I headed down to two markets .
First of all, a trip to Borough Market.

It 's a wonderful food market .. I expected bigger, but I was pleasantly surprised comuqnue!
We definitely will return to do some 'spending, and also to buy back those fantastic brownies that I have porridge for tea, yum yum!

As a second market I chose the 'Old Spitalfields Market.
On Thursday there are stalls selling antiques and vintage .. Unfortunately, the market closes at 17 and I came loooong overdue, so I could only do a quick lap.

But we will come back safe because, although there have been for a short time, I made a good impression!
I also had time to buy a mess of buttons, only 3 per pound: to be honest I served five to decorate a circle .... but they were so beautiful, the man who sold them to me was so kind, good price .... I know, are weak!
XD So my homework is: to find a way to use tuuuutti buttons! maybe make myself a necklace! ^ __ ^

The next day, Friday ', I expect not only a luuuunga working day .. but two hours of after-work meeting!
I was really demoralized (or mad? Ehehe), but I changed my mind!

First, even the colleagues who were in turn helped me to make a closing *___*
then, around 19.30, have dropped down a bit 'the lights, put on the music (jazz ... I hate it, but Oh well ^__^') and above have appeared two bottles of wine and brownies!
ok, I do not know you .. the meeting but I imagined them in a bit different!! So

We have listened carefully to our manager who spoke, we (I ^__^') guzzle two glasses of rose wine ... and finally we decided to decorate the store for Christmas !!!!!
And I really enjoyed it (thanks to bad jokes about balls XD)!
We returned home at 22, but it is still worth it .. ah, if every day at work was so !!!!!

That's it, guys!
you soon! ^___^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When Can A Pomeranian Get A Haircut


The stingy almost always exceeds the threshold of the ridiculous.

How Much Money Does Alexis Texas Make

The boring

There's nothing more boring boring anecdotes of people they last forever and do not know what a twist.

Walk In Clinic Wart Treatment Toronto

Theft of souls

Seem rather than rob you trust.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Victoria Secret Models Boobs

A man walks into a cafe ...

And no, no ... SPLASH simply irresistible fun to invent new ways to order coffee! Asd

we start with the modes: diligently to sit down and wait to be served, or get it at the checkout, is out .. 're rich, you live in a posh neighborhood, then you have the sacrosanct right to stop anyone who works in 0.2 seconds in the room and blurt out all your order (which usually consists of at least three things, just because the poor waiter must have some fun ' to appeal to their memory).

Come on ..
payment of course we can not simply carry around a purse / wallet / cash stuffed in the bag at random: 90's too!
in 2000 is paid by credit card, of course!
also account for 3 pounds and 60 cents ? ovviamentissimevolmente but you!

Now comes the fun part: ordering
to order because it takes imagination, inspiration, creativity, a pinch of stubbornness and a strong desire to break the bales to the poor man with the white apron standing in front of you.

In a place where work, in fact, we have four coffee on the cross and eighteen hundred different names Rolling Eyes
Here are the first that come to mind ...

- fortunately cappuccino cappuccino is always and only (though with a thousand different accents and pronunciations)
Except for that sweet old man, the first few times I was serving her table, I asked for a latte ... then ordering me back because there was no foam! But
great piece of ass ... = cappuccino foam on top, ok?? ^ _ ^ '

- the latte is: coffee, milk, coffee cream, cream, milk, without froth cappuccino (cappuccino without foam, which genes
Rolling Eyes )
obviously latte has a thousand pronunciations and crippling ..

- coffee (well that crap coffee + water): normal coffee (normally from that?), American, Amerigo (pronounced dick, so I'm 3 hours to ask "sorry?" And not to understand), Cafes noir, black cofee, coffee with no milk (er, as if the coffee is in the nature with the milk already in Rolling Eyes)

- American coffee with a jug of milk on the side: blanc coffee, white coffee, coffee with milk on the side, coffee with milk .... start here and one thousand five hundred different types of milk, I (obviously unless soy milk) is whatever I say and trim the same, not the cows we parked in the back that fans what they want eh Asd

these are the worst, with fifteen hundred different names ... Then there's the legendary DOUBLE ESPRESSO, who have yet to explain what the hell it is!!
in the meantime I've been waiting someone explain to me what the hell, look a thing of coffee and the stuff you put into it at random Laughing

Um ... someone wants to come to me for a coffee ????? Asd

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Root Beer Tapper On Shockwave


"Who are you?" The seven dwarfs
said "We are dwarfs.
you like to stay with us?"
"Okay," said White enthusiastic
"What can I do for you?"
And the dwarves in unison: "wash, ironing, pulirai
ground, hoe the garden, cooking, mending,
wash the dishes, dusting, fetching water in
well and if you will advance you will be with us five minutes
in mine! "

(Job Covatta, Pancreas - Transplantation of the book Heart)

E 'I started my third week at work ... seems a century has passed!

's really a tough job, I have to admit! as Snow White, the work we do virtually everything there is to it, there are specific roles (eg cleaning woman or dishwasher) apart from a girl who prepares the food,
So my homework, and those of my colleagues are: to serve clients both at the table at the bar, prepare the dishes and drinks (yes, I make cappuccino, coffee, espresso ... mamma mia XD), wash dishes and do the dishes, keep the room in place etc. etc etc!
And when I close, which happens very often, I also have to clean all the equipment (eg, coffee machine, bread, oven), to fix the place, pick foods that go in the refrigerator and throw away those who can no longer sell, sweep and clean the floor, bring the gigantic garbage can until the end of the road and so on

short, the first few days were a real shock! I'm slowly getting used to the rhythm, even if foot pain is ^__^'

positive note, our colleagues are all very cute and funny!
Even if the manager does not pull at all, and even if they do not need help ^ ^
strange fact, there is not even an Englishman on the staff! We
French Poles, Hungarians, Slovaks, was an American girl (who unfortunately is due to go away, I'm sad because I loved!) .. and of course that I'm Italian ^ __ ^
believe that the most English of all is the manager, Lucien .. is French, but has now adopted a typical English tone of voice so low that it can be heard only by bats and some mythical creature! ^__^'

The restaurant is located close to home, and in fact the morning I walk (it takes me about 20 minutes at a slow pace) ... In the evening I go back to the bus, both for fatigue but also to laziness XD

the morning there is always something strange to look around, here is a little esempio:

- caffetteria/negozio italiano che ALLE OTTO E MEZZA DI MATTINA butta in strada un terribile odore di peperonata @___@
- omini del comune che spazzano le foglie a terra .. anche se c'è un vento fortissimo e quindi il lavoro è inutile !!!
voglio fare questo lavoro da grande ehehehe
- i postini con i pantaloncini corti (stile scout): Novembre, mattina, pantaloncini corti ... brrrrrrrrr !!!
- gente che a piedi attraversa strade trafficate letteralmente gettandosi fra le macchine che passano O__O
- numero 10 scoiattoli totali e numero 2 caprette che brucavano l'erba: passo davanti al cortile/boschetto di una scuola, e quindi c'è sempre qualche animaletto da guardare ^__^
- a beautiful dog, a mongrel cross Collie ... looks like a miniature Lassie *_____*
- cottages and villas are not beautiful, beautiful!
The district is very posh, so the houses are spectacular (and even the cars parked on the street) .. stuff that I went to see an estate agent and prices displayed in the window spoke of one million or two million pounds to buy one of these houses O___O
- people dressed in every way: from children in school uniform, women in suits evening (at 9 o'clock in the morning to the madmen ???), in shorts or flip-flops up to the women in high heels running 10,000 times faster than me that I have running shoes O_O
- A mad woman, as he runs to work, goes around the MP3 player with headphones in his ears, singing (only with lip) to the songs and scaring passers-by ... oh no wait, that's me !!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Gallbladder Polyps Treatment

squirrels stuffed with mango

- scoiattlolo None were harmed during the making of this post -

No, not with this post I want to inaugurate a new section of my blog to talk about recipes scary
Later you will understand the meaning of the title! !

Yesterday was my day off (finally! We are a bit 'short-staffed at work, and then I have to jump on duty and 10 hours and 8.9 hours !!!), so I decided to make the tourists .. and more specifically to visit REGENT'S PARK!

Regent's Park is one of London's Royal Parks, is enormous and is 5-10 minutes walk from where I work .. was therefore required to drop by!

First stop, the "St. John's Wood Church Gardens" .. a park's small but very nice!

inside there is also an ancient cemetery, really impressive!

after that, I moved to Regent's Park!

start along the Boating Lake and the surrounding park, full of swans, ducks, gulls and a number of birds!

Passing through the Clarence Bridge to get in front of the Regent's College, but unfortunately you can only see from afar, because the entire perimeter is fenced and can only enter with a student card!

then decided to walk towards the Queen Mary's Garden ...

is all a blaze of flowers, especially roses!
is really beautiful, there are lots of flower beds with roses, a lot different from what the gardeners have added to the cards with the name.

I obviously step tuuuuutte long time to smell the roses ... I ended up a bit 'of a headache because of all this fragrance, but it was definitely worth it!

continue my stroll through the park .. the sun is going down and the light is beautiful!
Here I am in a small self-timer ^ __ ^

and a photo of the park here instead

I continue with my stroll through a park and education through the Avenue Garden .. less characteristic, but also their remarkable ^ __ ^

And finally ..... THEM!


creatures are adorable!
inteligentissimi are, they have become accustomed to people and even know that almost everyone is willing to stretch some snacks .. so if you start to call (clicking his tongue on the teeth) and extend the hand they come to watch you got to offer!

I are provided with pieces of mango .. and they liked it so much and are stuffed properly (hence the title of this post )!
I stretched out my hand, and they approached me and took the piece of fruit directly hands ... dungeon!

soon will load the video that I shot with the squirrels .. allowing connection! ^___^

In conclusion: Regent's Park is really to see, is huge (I have seen about one third in 2-3 hours!) And is full of beautiful and unique things to see!
passed with flying colors!!