Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Come funziona una centrale nucleare?

Reported by Sergio: a nice post clarification on the operation of nuclear plants.

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tears, nostalgia and good luck.

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Italia in Trappola... non ci resta che dichiarare guerra...

ROME COMPROMISED. The most difficult situation appears to be Italian. Passed by the strong defense of Colonel alignment with those who do not want it anymore. If Gaddafi were to win, at the expense would be first of Eni, the most important economic partner of Tripoli, whose licenses would probably be withdrawn.
remains the possibility that "Gaddafi select a symbolic victory, with all its ruggedness and verbal insults, but leaving open contracts and trade, "he suggested Parsi. In that case, Italy - but also in Washington and Brussels - tap appeal to the magnanimity of the Colonel. Really a bad end.

fighters on land, sea and air ... Decision time irrevocable.
How about if we send Berlusconi with any large group Bunga Bunga in Tripoli?
Win ... and we will win ...

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They do not like them here.

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Censura nucleare

These Japanese are very strange (think pixels that have the genitals) have built more nuclear plants in earthquake country in the world. Certainly we could ever dream of how we manage (I'm not surprised to discover that some supercapacitors has opted for suicide under the weight of responsibility, as has already occurred in other disasters Nippo, in particular I remember a plane crash), but I do not think the best solution to provide energy, at least not here. Or perhaps it is for cost-effectiveness, but this is not an excellent parameter of the proceedings, or at least not the only one, I think definitely established. That said, I reiterate my vulgar idea: no to nuclear power. Be happy to forgo the dishwasher, I wash by hand, I swear: provided that my child is not born with three legs, which then cost me a bang of shoes.

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My sister worked in New York was 2011. They offered her a job that would likely flow into the towers, declined in August and left the country. August 2011 ... My sister went two weeks ago to run the Tokyo Marathon, then came back. In the family we are asking questions. Also in Switzerland, where he lives, the people forbidden to leave the country.

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The cartoons of the Corriere Giannelli: often brilliant.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

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Luca Luciani indagato

Quanto posso goderci? Via questi venditori di fumo dall'Italia, please.

Il neo direttore generale di Telecom Italia Luca Luciani e Carlo Ruggiero, ex amministratore delegato, sono indagati nell’ambito dell’inchiesta del procuratore aggiunto di Milano Alfredo Robledo su un giro di migliaia di sim false attivate per gonfiare il bilancio. Nei loro confronti sono ipotizzate le accuse di truffa aggravata, ostacolo all’autorità di vigilanza e false comunicazioni sociali. 

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omitted illegal, we skip even that is not beautiful ... but I imagine a healthy period of the holiday away from the world?
available to you the plans of couples ... of fact and not ...

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W la fuga (nucleare)

Images reassure us that much of Japan. Here are two garbage collectors who come to collect the garbage. Oh well they run with the mask for the mites, but here I have the impression that things are not going to great.

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Un filino basso?

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Nucleare NOI? Terremoti NOI? lasciamo perdere..

The Japanese, in this dramatic each other, have taught us three things:

1) the absence of fear of more earthquakes, 'if you build like they did
2) against the Tsunami there are no defenses
3) Nuclear is not the thing to Italians. I add at this point that it would take a European moratorium on power plant safety in operation. With us, two days of continuous rain and countries come to the sea: I guess the tightness of the earthquake nice bridge across the Straits, made with concrete of the 'Ndrangheta, the one with the' 80% sand ..

Below another lesson in composure and accuracy of the Japanese, in line to receive water.

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Sempre sobrio

stuff that Napoleon, by comparison, was a shy nerd.

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You know that heavy stuff that our parents are like, "Eh, but in my time there was this thing here, as you're lucky, he thinks Instead we were forced a. .. "? Resign, we will not be different from them. The question is what, if anything, we will apply the nostalgic reprimand: a first glimpse of this morning.

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Who will explain to Sergio?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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I Campioni e i buoni giocatori

A friend of mine who worked at Inter, during the period when the stadium went crazy for the sprint of the magical Cordoba, said: "But no one notices that spend more goals from his side? ". Then ask yourself if it is a case that SamueLucio we won everything. Pandev, Kharja, Cordoba: these people here belongs to the generation of second in the standings, is meat from the bench. And Mourinho, at 0-1, Materazzi might have made, but surely the tip. Now, for the series the glass half full: we got a point on AC Milan, which will be tremendous anxiety, for the arm, periodontal disease, soft legs and lose 2-1 with goals from AC Milan in clear offside.

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boys let down, Biel managed to leave that gosto Timberlake

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Who is it? Note
mastery in the use of Photoshop to apply the effect bandage.

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Top minirecensioni by the magazines that have received the iPad second preview. Confirm without doubt that the pace.

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Ma va a tutti bene così?

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Fiction and reality, as the September 11, have never seemed so close . Scary.

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Istituto Luce

Last night the heroic team, although a valiant member of mutilated blasphemer, has reversed the disastrous result completed the first leg (4-2), steered the tough encounter uncertain landing of shots from the disk, where the goalkeeper unpronounceable "Cheese" has easily neutralized a fireball, filling the hearts of the seven steels of pure joy and well-deserved.
Morale: We are in final calciotto (on the site had already written the name of the other team, serves him well).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Missed Period No Blood Just Brown Mucus

where were we? Post

Hey, hello everyone! how it goes, okay? at home right? But ... where were we?
ah yes, I started a blog!

eh, the chronic lack of time together all'insopportabile lack of internet has really compromised my punctuality in keeping this blog!
But luckily I found a valuable ally in the neighbor and its connection, so at least the internet problem (for now) is solved! XD

then, news? what I did from January to now? We spent the
free Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, etc. .. also because the work they have given me time to get familiar with the "Christmas at home on holiday / vacation lounging around the day "because the store has closed only on Christmas!
So the Christmas have passed a bit 'on the sly .. just like New Year's I was lucky to be at home resting on 31, but the one I was ready and perky (um ... ok ..) behind the counter!

then the time has flown, and we're already in February!
no joke, the weather here in London has begun to flow in a strange way: sometimes seems to be here for years, centuries .. and sometimes they just think "Wow, there are already four months that I am here," it seems impossible that you have already 'four months that we are in London, it seems like yesterday that started it all! !

What has changed in this month's absence from the blog ?
everything and nothing.

I always work from Maison Blanc, with colleagues I very much agree and I would even say that we're friends ^ __ ^
I also met some girls from another branch of the store, Holland Park, which are very nice!
The work itself is as always hard, and the normal rhythm is added to a manager who is nice and all, but ultimately has little appetite for the organization and especially for putting down the turns normal and decent ... we'll see how things evolve!

The house is still here, still standing after all!
you, the internet is still a mirage, the landlord runs the ball un giorno si e l'altro pure, si stà riaffacciando lo spettro dell'"acqua gelata e no riscaldamento" ... ma tutto sommato resistiamo !!!
Questo mese, assieme all'affitto, manderemo una lettera di disdetta del contratto: ad aprile finisce il contratto di 6 mesi (cosa vi dicevo ?? GIA' SEI MESI, è incredibile !!!! O____O) e abbiamo deciso che non prolungheremo il contratto con lui ma ci cercheremo qualcosa per conto nostro.
A me piacerebbe comunque rimanere qui in zona, mi piace sia come posto in sè che come collegamenti ai mezzi pubblici ... vedremo ...

ah, ottima notizia che abbiamo appreso giusto ieri sera: molto probabilmente i coinquilini spagnoli se ne vanno !!!!
sono non felice, but overjoyed!! After having fought
(long story made up of people who do not understand a shit, is also in the wrong but angry and you throw the same shit on me for no reason .. and I'll end up alone and pretend to be dead for weeks , strong twenty years of my training with my brother) I'm really over the moon to know how to bale out in less than three days!
Ok, says Faith, "you know what you lose and do not know what they are."
but for now I just know I will not feel the most horrible voice of the girl (really never heard a more annoying voice in my life ...), know that I can finally clean house, throw away all that crowd the kitchen and the bathroom, take turns cleaning (I and Faith) and do not have the fear that someone will not turn around and clean for weeks ...
who knows who will come to live here .. but meanwhile I and Faith we will enjoy the house alone!! I can not wait!

very nearly to help them make the bags, thus ending the first ehhehehehe

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sample Opening Prayer

I'm the king of shock

Non farti impantanare dalla noia,
scuoti i tuoi giorni come fossero alberi:
cadranno frutti eccitanti e maturi.

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Fini: Msi, An, Pdl, Fli. Bersani: Pci, Pds, Ds, Pd. Berlusconi: Fi, Pdl, I (forse). Rutelli: Pr, Margherita, Pd, Api. Casini: Dc, Ccd, Udc, Terzo polo. Vendola: Pci, Prc, Arcobaleno, Sel. Quando cominceranno a cambiare i nomi dei politici, e non solo i nomi dei partiti, tornerò a sperare in un futuro migliore.

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bunga bunga

Sono il re del bunga bunga,
l’ho importato qui in Italia,
l’obiettivo è che mi funga
da espediente che vi ammalia.
Mi circondo di ragazze
- una è pure minorenne -
che di me son tutte pazze
e così riesco – indenne! -
a schivare giornalisti,
toghe rosse e magistrati
vecchi e nuovi comunisti
grassi e ipocriti prelati.
Sono il re del bunga bunga,
vi conosco a uno a uno
sono corto e la so lunga,
non mi frega mai nessuno.
Corruzioni e falsi vari,
Camorra and criminals:
I use my money as
pearls for pigs.
Because this is the moral
rosicare envy, in the gray
you eat of perfidy.
'm the king of bunga bunga, does not shrink
never, ever, lie he

studies the long leg of the RAI.
My goal is this: to give strength to
I hate - hate him! -
everything is real.
Pay attention to the old Popes
are just crap, so the bottoms of large

heads sooner or later all licking,
Italy is my slave,
is always open his mouth!
I apologize, ho già la bava:
qui di fronte c’è una gnocca.
Io la inseguo, scappo via,
lascio a voi ciò ch’è legale:
la salita adesso è mia,
porta dritto al Quirinale.

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Per ricordare non basta la memoria,
è necessario il coraggio.