Friday, February 11, 2011

Missed Period No Blood Just Brown Mucus

where were we? Post

Hey, hello everyone! how it goes, okay? at home right? But ... where were we?
ah yes, I started a blog!

eh, the chronic lack of time together all'insopportabile lack of internet has really compromised my punctuality in keeping this blog!
But luckily I found a valuable ally in the neighbor and its connection, so at least the internet problem (for now) is solved! XD

then, news? what I did from January to now? We spent the
free Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, etc. .. also because the work they have given me time to get familiar with the "Christmas at home on holiday / vacation lounging around the day "because the store has closed only on Christmas!
So the Christmas have passed a bit 'on the sly .. just like New Year's I was lucky to be at home resting on 31, but the one I was ready and perky (um ... ok ..) behind the counter!

then the time has flown, and we're already in February!
no joke, the weather here in London has begun to flow in a strange way: sometimes seems to be here for years, centuries .. and sometimes they just think "Wow, there are already four months that I am here," it seems impossible that you have already 'four months that we are in London, it seems like yesterday that started it all! !

What has changed in this month's absence from the blog ?
everything and nothing.

I always work from Maison Blanc, with colleagues I very much agree and I would even say that we're friends ^ __ ^
I also met some girls from another branch of the store, Holland Park, which are very nice!
The work itself is as always hard, and the normal rhythm is added to a manager who is nice and all, but ultimately has little appetite for the organization and especially for putting down the turns normal and decent ... we'll see how things evolve!

The house is still here, still standing after all!
you, the internet is still a mirage, the landlord runs the ball un giorno si e l'altro pure, si stà riaffacciando lo spettro dell'"acqua gelata e no riscaldamento" ... ma tutto sommato resistiamo !!!
Questo mese, assieme all'affitto, manderemo una lettera di disdetta del contratto: ad aprile finisce il contratto di 6 mesi (cosa vi dicevo ?? GIA' SEI MESI, è incredibile !!!! O____O) e abbiamo deciso che non prolungheremo il contratto con lui ma ci cercheremo qualcosa per conto nostro.
A me piacerebbe comunque rimanere qui in zona, mi piace sia come posto in sè che come collegamenti ai mezzi pubblici ... vedremo ...

ah, ottima notizia che abbiamo appreso giusto ieri sera: molto probabilmente i coinquilini spagnoli se ne vanno !!!!
sono non felice, but overjoyed!! After having fought
(long story made up of people who do not understand a shit, is also in the wrong but angry and you throw the same shit on me for no reason .. and I'll end up alone and pretend to be dead for weeks , strong twenty years of my training with my brother) I'm really over the moon to know how to bale out in less than three days!
Ok, says Faith, "you know what you lose and do not know what they are."
but for now I just know I will not feel the most horrible voice of the girl (really never heard a more annoying voice in my life ...), know that I can finally clean house, throw away all that crowd the kitchen and the bathroom, take turns cleaning (I and Faith) and do not have the fear that someone will not turn around and clean for weeks ...
who knows who will come to live here .. but meanwhile I and Faith we will enjoy the house alone!! I can not wait!

very nearly to help them make the bags, thus ending the first ehhehehehe


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