Friday, October 29, 2010

How Long Can Cooked Sausage Sit Out

at work! Habemus

I'm back here in the usual case in starbucks (now in Oxford are Strait, this Starbucks I love it) to use the connection!
So, what's new and there are several, first things first! And of course because I am always in a hurry with this connection, I'll list them one !

- we have a house, ok ... maaaaa ..
- .... the landlord is an idiot, and we do not know if we would be forced to terminate the contract and look for another house (long story, but suffice it to say that it is not our fault if we terminate the contract, but who wants to change his cards in good standing)
- Smirnoff dundee, our roommate: it is so cute!
federica has attracted with the pasta, and we spent a nice evening to have dinner together and chat! ^___^
- we have two new roommates, just arrived yesterday.
am a English boy and a girl, a couple ... he's a cool fear!!
do not know them well enough, so I do not know how good they are and whether or not to break the bales ..

maaa biggest news to come!

I got a job!

's how it went: the house is near the metro station (and also many bus!), And near a street with shops.
I say to the Faith "I try to give some hp here, at least it's close to home" ... I leave it at Starbucks, a bakery, then I see this bakery, but not before ..
but I see a waitress passing by in the flesh eheheheh
so I say "at least not here seek only the beautiful pussies size 42!" Then later to leave the hp!
leave the CV and go out .. the girl (hope that now I had modo di conoscere e che adoro) mi rincorre per la strada dicendomi che il manager vuole parlarmi !!!! O____O

allora ritorno e mi chiedono "puoi fare una prova domani ?? abbiamo bisogno di qualcuno immediatamente"
Io, sempre più esterefatta, dico di si !!!
Il giorno dopo quindi dovevo far la prova dalle 10 alle 13 .. e invece mi tengon li fino alle 15 dicendomi che il lavoro è mio !!

così ho un lavoro !! e precisamente lavoro qua:
da sbavo, vero ??? *___*
ci son tante belle cosine, peccato che io sia a dieta ehehehe

è un bel po' massacrante perchè faccio 8 ore, non ho un ruolo preciso e sostanzialmente I do everything (like the others, however: from coffee to serve, cleaning dishes, bathrooms, etc.)
but oh well, will not be the work of a lifetime!
colleagues are nice, so it's a plus ... we'll see how it goes!

lìLondra And all for today .. I hope I put the internet at home soon!
Kisses to all!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Many Calories In Lasagna


Hello everyone!
Today I write (though will post everything from the usual Starbucks, has always praised the wi-fi) from our house .. accurate, our house!
casaaaaaaa have found!

the story went like this: we find the announcement
for a double room on the internet, and as usual you call and make an appointment to see the house and just a room.
When we come to the appointment, is the owner and three other Italian boys.
a boy, a girl and another.
say at once that their friend (who resembled each other well to my former teammate in high school I hated XD) accompanies them to help you decide.
oh well, we go up the elevator with the owner, the fourth floor.
then come these guys, who barely greet us.
shows us a room, the other (there were two singles), shows us the only room occupied and then makes us see the living room saying it would have been transformed in a double.
Well, within 3 seconds, without even talking to end the guy, nor have the time to intervene, they say with these exact words "ah there the pick this us."
the face of kindness!
least ask us, or chess Minimum charge right?
well, the fact is that they ask now whether there will be a closet "not because we have so many clothes eh"
and then say they can pay all rent and deposit, also in cash immediately.

Well, we are then the two singles.
but the price, unfortunately, is high for us to support ...
greet the owner, telling him we'd made them feel.

the apartment was beautiful, yes ... but the price was definitely not!
all dejected, we decided to return to the hotel to give up two rooms.

the morning .. surprise!!
owner calls us, saying that the two young Florentines had not made more alive, if we want the big room is available then!!
So with a price, split between me and the faith, is more or less what we expected to pay for a shared room and decent *______*
you think what we did? We accepted

yesterday morning we signed the contract for 6 months (Giving, alas, even the advance / deposit plus one month's rent), and today we moved!
until early November we'll be in one of the single, and in the meantime saltotto will be transformed into our room!

So the house is as follows, starting from the front door:

- large storage room, perfect for our suitcase (soon to be empty, that release!)

- two single rooms (probably soon will be occupied by two English maybe a couple)

- another bedroom, where there is now an Australian guy (but soon will be gone)

- other utility room with iron, ironing da stiro, aspirapolvere

- cucina: mi piace davvero tanto !!
c'è frigo (*), microonde, fornelli, forno, lavastoviglie, lavatrice .. e un saaaacco di spazio per riporre le cose.
c'è un piccolo balconcino, e purtroppo non c'è un tavolo !!

- due bagni: uno con solo il wc, l'altro con wc e vasca/doccia

(* l'australiano ha riempito così il frigo: coca cola, latte, 3 birre, vodka smirnoff e mostarda.
ed è per questo che si guadagna di diritto il nomignolo di "Smirnoff Dundee")

eeeee infine ...

è la più grande della casa, essendo l'ex salotto, and is also the only bedroom that will have the floor!
according to our calculations, should be there a great bed, a wardrobe and even a coffee table! ask the owner if we leave the table that is now in the living room (because there is now a table with three chairs, two sofas and a table for 3 people), we hope you agree!
ah, there is also a large window and a balcony ... and a beautiful view over the trees and the houses of bricks in front!

other positive things:

- it is in zone 2, but not so far from the center: it is close to the first stop of Zone 2
- in front of the house there is also the stop bus, so if we can learn well how to use the bus network will be convenient to use them at will!

But where is home?
Since this is a public blog that I say only if you know a little history of the Beatles, this road is soooooo familiar to you! ^___^

For now we do not have internet at home .. as soon as we will put some bit Fotina! ^ __ ^

We are very very happy!
Although up to 6 we will be a bit 'camp, at least we're in a house! yet strange to say!!
now we have to find a job! ^____^

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Humorous Baby Congratulation Messages

home sweet home?

Home sweet home? Not exactly ^__^'
a week after our arrival in London the ground, we are still looking for a home!
Here is a small list of what's happened so far:

- scammers
as I told you last time .. we are now at 4
as usual are out of London, as usual, ask for "guarantees" to give you the house, and of course, such guarantees are a transfer with Western Union

- the double room which is actually a single
is full of morons who have a double room in announcing write DOUBLE (in fact, double) .. but just looking for an individual.
hunting, but now write right? one we hope, trust law .. and snap in the end that the law is only one person-__-

- the player on grass and home multi-roommates
the young Italian player in question offered us a room in his flat for the modest sum of over £ 1000 per month .. small detail, we would have been 6 or 7 at home (and we all know, type group, we would have been the "intruders", the new arrivals) and one bathroom.
Already I saw myself in the morning, in a gamble to go to the toilet morra Chinese ...

- Indecent Proposal
have found 3 or 4 ads loooong nice and good taste: young men, worried about the cold weather that is being approaching, some young maiden who seek them warm during this cold winter across the Channel.
but they are gentlemen of the past, and for the trouble they have room to £ 1 per month.
Un'affarone, I daresay.

- Hitler hello hello!
advertisement found a few weeks ago, tenants are required only white Aryans
I literally dropped my jaw ° __ °

- and a slice of ass?

non-profit organization seeks helpers, and in return offers accommodation.
Perfect, I'm there! Let 'tasks that require:

a) IT & web development and maintenance, PR, marketing, communications, and media and fundraising
b) newly-arrived train others in these tasks, recruit new people
c) helping others in the community filming and editing video, burn cd, track, and organize workshops for groups and families
d) sewing to create a collection of clothes for their fashion show and
) cooking, cleaning, selling (what?) and buy (cosaaa?)
f) to do office work
g) to do carpentry work ° _ °

in exchange for 25 hours of this, you will have a comfortable shared room .. if you want a single (not that you're more spoiled!), you have to work 40 hours

as the title, and a slice of ass no ?

- the barracks popular + the room claustrophobic

(note: the picture looks huge, but definitely not live! ^__^')

the room was on the 17th floor huge popularity of those tenements. In addition to this
piccolisssssimo particular, there was also the fact that it was tiny!
the room was as follows: read a "loft", alongside a kind of sofa / sitting area (?), Three shelves, a TV (which probably would have disappeared)
just stop

there was nothing even a chair, so to speak ..

under the bed, with the rest of the stuff

other small particular: since the kitchen opened directly on this room, and at home there were two other girls, there would soon be the work ... and the room would have been scaled down !!!!! O____O
we go there, in that space so small, and I would be Federica crazy like animals in a cage .. After a few days one of them would happily hanging from the balcony of the 17th floor, leaving the strongest to enjoy the joy of the little hole of paradise for you!

Oh, and needless to say: the price was not proportional to the size of the room ^__^'

only positive note, we met two guys really very nice!
by, at least it was not a trip to empty ..

- the house that there is no

, Peter Pan has nothing to do.
oh, my dear Italian boy that if the rolls as if it was only him, make an appointment to see your house ..
perfect but because we feel the phone (to tell you that we are arrviando) and everything is ok, and when we get 3.5 min after the house is magically gone??

and, of course .. take us somewhere else, not where the ad said, and precisely in the next place you go to raconte ..

- the hostel disguised as a house

building above a leather goods, comprises: stairs, ladders, stairs, narrow hallway, corridor, another corridor, staircase, blood on the wall
ah, and of course the room was 20-30 rooms
a cubicle with two beds plus a refrigerator, a entrance hall with wardrobe, bathroom
the kitchen was in town for the whole plan .. how many people? Dunno, but I think judging by the stench from all around the neighborhood ...

- Home dancing

ok, you get an appointment .. we must look for a silver door
do not know why, the phrase reminds me of some fairy tale but
proceed, and we get to the famous door

there on a sign-sign for a club a club
?? where they dance and everything?? but the house is really here??
call .. but is it? yes, this is ...

we open the door, and after about 1950 steps (those beautiful wood, steep and narrow) is explained to us that yes, this is a private club in the sense that I understand you pay a kind of passport to enter .
well on the way we see the apartment-scale entry of the club, as it is of course closed afternoon, upstairs we see the stock and after we find another flight of stairs to the apartment.
We are afraid, if these are the premises ....

But no, the premises were only premises, the apartment really nice loooong!
eh, this time looks can be deceiving!

and that's it for tonight!
you say, going to make our heroes to find an acceptable place to live? ^_____^'

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perimeter Of Shaded Segment

That bastard!

was inevitable: after a thousand thousand listings of apartments that we viewed, we caught the crook!

It 's a long running scam on Gumtree (famous site of ads, including those dedicated to housing)
The BBC also spoke: / Yesterday I articles/2008/10/01/flats_fraud_feature.shtml

faith and we were on Gumtree, to search for homes.
Open an announcement that brought home a cute, but beautiful in Zone 2, there was good price .. perfect, send an e-mail!
The guy said to us now, very happy and kind, but by the second / third email the tone has changed: he does not live in London, and as in the past had to come to town just for a person that never was made alive, requires evidence of our seriousness.
Of course, we say, we are serious and interested!
But it is not enough! And this is where he enters the bank of the famous Western Union, the culmination of the scam: it tells us that we need to deposit money and show him the receipt, so that he can understand if we have money or not.
and of course the bank account (which we have just opened at Barclays) is not safe from them can not figure out if we have the money to pay O__O

Obviously we have not waterfalls, because many people had warned us of the danger, so there we lost a pound.
But it was still sad, as well as a wicked!

So, to all those looking for home in London: be careful with your eyes open!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Famous Artists Paintings Of Sports

tell you that stereotype, and I'll tell you who you are

ok, ok, the stereotype of the typical average is about English: polite people, polite people.
well, will only be a stereotype, but so far has not proven false .. On the contrary, we found people gentilissime !!!
Dal signore che ci spiega per filo e per segno come funziona il wi-fi da starbucks (quando dopotutto sarebbe bastato andare in cassa e chiedere), a quelli che formano una piccola squadra di lavoro e ti aiutano col valigione pesante che si è appena incastrato nei tornelli d'uscita della metro, fino ad arrivare all'addetto alla reception di un hotel che ti aiuta a trovare casa !!!!

Oggi infatti io e Fede ci siamo recate in un nuovo hotel per vedere se avevano stanze libere ... si, siamo ancora senza casa, alla ricerca disperata, e quindi ci tocca stare in hotel !!
Dicevo, ci rechiamo in un hotel in cui ero stata nel 2009 con le mie amiche Anna e Paola, chiediamo una stanza spiegando la nostra situazione di povere-ragazze-emigranti-senza-casa-fissa-e-semi-disperate.
E lui che fa ???
ci dice che si, ha una stanza per una notte (cioè lunedì notte) ... ma si offre anche di cercare casa per noi !!!!
E così ci porta qualche strada in la, e comincia a chiedere a dei suoi amici, proseguiamo e bussa alla porta di una signora/signore inglese che affittava casa (si è poi purtroppo saputo che era una singola, sigh !!); non troviamo niente, torniamo in hotel, e comincia a fare chiamate su chiamate per cercarci casa !!!
Alla fine ci trova una casa, ma purtroppo è in zona 3 ed è in c*** ai lupi e così e rinunciamo .. allora al posto di mandarci a cagare lui ci dice che in hotel, e that there is a pair of Italian boys in our situation!
so he, half an hour later, reminds us of passing these guys .. so we met!

this little man was a true treasure!
unfortunately there has found a home, but has spent nearly two hours of his time to help two strangers when he could rent just the room and leave us to our problems!

eh well ... will also be a stereotype that the British are all kind ... but it is nice to think (and test first hand!) that this is the case! ^____^

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Banden Yokohama Advan A10

The dark allure of the stairs London

and we ... I'm in London!

we left, me and my longtime friend Federica, October 15 ... Destination London ^ __ ^ just

The first day was a bit 'traumatic ..
The flight was a nightmare: we had the great fortune to catch I do not know which group organized (not kids eh, adult people)
screams, cries, coarse laughter, people shouted the name of the friend at the other end of 'plane, people were standing there when the signal "fasten your seatbelts" on ... not to mention the choir "little bit popo popo poooo" (yes, that horrible choir that is used for the World Cup ù___ù) while the plane was taking off!
Reason?? "Eh, so we do not hear our friend, who flies for the first time, the noise of the aircraft "
ah, of course, eventually the party applausone tamarro, you had doubts?-___-

And even at the airport we had no luck because there is happened to an exchange of suitcases, to Frederick, and another avoided just in time in which the protagonists were my suitcases!
After nearly two hours late, where we waited for the idiot of the exchange back to the airport with suitcases the case right, we have addressed the journey to the hotel: the delirium
a subway trip that turned into a nightmare because of swearing, arms and hands pulped, sweat and hot that you died, infinite weariness ... really a mess!
and after this tour de force we are calling the hotel (where we will stay until Sunday) and we were so tired that it was impossible to procure even get some food .. so we stayed in the room on an empty stomach, cibandoci only hot tea!! XD

Today we set the bureaucracy between the bank and the activation of the sim English ... and of course we tried the house!
We're still trying, and probably on Monday (when we have finished our stay at this hotel) we will move into a new hotel!
But sooner or later we will find an apartment, we can not give up now!

And in the meantime, here are a couple of things I learned in these first days in london ...

first of all, the British love the stairs
especially when it comes to subway!! ramps and staircases (escalators few times, but only if you are lucky), you go up, down and up again .. a labyrinth of endless steps, evil! these days I have more stairs than I've ever done in my life.

underground in the heat dies
I must find a solution! especially on the red line will die from the heat, but coolness out there (and it goes to the cold season)
English but they do not have problems with temperature changes?
Apparently not .. and indeed, it seems that Londoners have the skin such as crocodiles, do not feel the cold!
while I ride with a sweater and jacket (although I am quite chilly), there are people who go around in flip-flops with skirts, with canottierine with mini sweaters .... pazziiiii O___o
you really come to think that they have the crocodile, absolutely do not fear the cold ... Lucky them! ^___^

all for now .. allowing connection (thanks to Starbucks!), I will keep you updated daily! ^ _ ^

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Signs Of A Glandular Problem

The suitcase on the bed is that of a long journey ...

And we, tomorrow we leave!
Right now the predominant feeling is anxiety: either because they are eager to mine, but also because the situation is one of those where inevitably a bit 'anxious you are ....

start with.
oh my God it's true ...
eventually hand, after saying for months and months, "I want to go abroad, now is the time.
does not seem real yet! Probably only when I'm at the airport tomorrow around 15, I realize that I'm actually leaving for London!

There are currently still in the delirium of various valigiame ...

The situation is this: the suitcase to stow, the HUGE blue stuff (basically I get to the next, and are not very low) weighs circa 20kg ... è quindi al limite, devo pregare che la bilancia dell'imbarco non sia tarata diversamente dalla mia scrausissima pesa-persone o mi toccherà togliere qualcosina quando sarò li a Malpensa ...

L'altro trolley è il bagaglio a mano .... e pesa come un pastore tedesco messo all'ingrasso: la bellezza di 14kg !!!!
ci ho messo dentro i vestiti più pesanti, oltre al pc portatile, un beauty case e altre cosine ..
Le ragazze "normali" porterebbero un beauty pieno di trucchi, il mio invece è pieno di collane, orecchini, braccialetti, gioielli in fimo fatti da me .. c'è davvero dentro di tutto !!! ^___^'

li per terra c'è il sacchetto dei liquidi, che io terrò in mano facendo finta di fare la passeggera diligente .. in realtà non c'è verso di infilarlo nel bagaglio a mano ... non ho più posto !!!!

E poi ovviamente mi metterò addosso tre maglioni e la giacca a vento, così non fanno peso e non occupano spazio ... domani ne vedremo davvero delle belle !!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bionicle Instructions

The art of making the case

Diciamocelo, fare la valigia è un'impresa non da poco.
Se poi in quella valigia devi mettere tutte le tue cose, tutta la tua vita per traslocare in un'altra città .. beh, è proprio una mission impossible !!!

Mancano solo 12 giorni alla mia partenza, e oscillo ancora tra la fase "uhhh sarà una figata, sarà beautiful! "and among the" ahhhh that c **** am I doing? I'm hunting in that casino? "
And now I also presents the problem of bags ... that anxiety!

Thanks to Easyjet for this trip / adventure / move I will have a checked baggage and 20kg a beautiful hand luggage weighing unlimited *___*
expect a carry-on luggage in the hold heavier than eheheh

My friend Silvia (who is helping me not so much, but a lot during these days) tells me that in London is already cold, it seems to be perfect ... in December, I am also freddolosissima, Bard will travel to the North Pole!
Then via free to Sweaters, a long-sleeved shirts for a very practical clothing "onion", parka ... and I'll bring a pair of fleece sweatshirts: I'll just fashion, but who cares .. Apple is not a best trendy frozen to death on a sidewalk London ò___ò

addition to clothes, though, I want to take something else!
Here is a list (yes, I am addicted to lists ù__ù) I did today, with things I want to take ... some are sooo useless, and it will be the last things I will try to fit in your suitcase! ^__^'

- scarves (always for the speech "freezing cold")
- tuuuutte my necklaces, earrings, bracelets .. even those in polymer clay by me!
- pliers, to accommodate the jewelry made by me XD
- at least a dozen bags .. I can not leave my Dots ç___ç
- three or four purses (I like to change them often!)
- post-it and deco tape (ie Scotch colored ) .... I love them around the house, or in notebooks / books because they make fun ^ ^
- a few postcards, posters or small decorations to embellish a bit more 'around!
- Lucretia, my sun jar
- my cd, Foo Fighters, hoping to enlarge the collection in London there ^ __ ^
- Kokeshi Doll for house keys
- London guide, street map of London (ie this ), mini vocabulary booklet blank to write
- Album of the "memories" of London .. that is, all your receipts, business cards, guides, etc. that I collected them when I was on vacation .. to swell with new things!
- usb stick with my world tuuuutto
- crosswords: ehhh, I do not really see us doing crossword puzzles in English ù__ù
- tuuutte medicines that come to mind (semi-hypochondriac call ^ ^ ')
- deodorant and shampoo ... I know in London are selling products for the body and wash well eheheeh! but I am fond of strategic products that I use, I'm afraid not to find them ^ ^ '
- cooking recipes .. one for the desserts (I love to cook!), some other recipes for cooking every day, just not live with white rice and sliced \u200b\u200bchicken eeheh
- the now, I know that England is famous for tea, that sell in packs every where, and above all that you do not die without the ... but in recent years I've built my park-tea, and now leave me here in Italy tantissimissimo sorry! O__O
- cups for tea: the same speech before .. I know, I know there are millions of mugs in the world!
But you succeeded in breaking away from this little wonder ? Mug or from the "Starry Night" by Van Gogh!

These are just some of the things that came to my mind ... when I'm really struggling with the suitcase (I thought to start tomorrow or the next day) I know I will have other 10,000 things to carry around and above CAZZATE ^__^'

to pack up and, above all, no more than 20kg famous imposed by Easyjet? its a mission impossible!