Sunday, November 30, 2008

Phisohex Compared To Phisoderm

The eighth championship results, scores and comments

A1 FEMALE. Geymonat Opens Horizon with great success, 20-8, on Nerves Diavolina. Waterpolo Giotti Closes Fiorentina, who beat the 20-9 RN Detent Bologna and the Etna. Among the other matches .
The power struggle for third place. The Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova beats Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 7-5 and moves to 18 points, to -2, the Rem Ortigia che vince a Rapallo 10-9; a -3 la RN Bologna, battuta a Firenze dalla Fiorentina. Successi importanti nella parte bassa della classifica per la RN Florentia, 18-7 sulla Linea Mediterrane Imperia, e per la Yamamay Varese Olona, 9-7 sulla Roma Pallanuoto.

Imporante novità in casa Varese che schiera in acqua il portiere della Nazionale Americana Betsey Armstrong. Armstrong è attualmente considerata il miglior portiere al mondo, ottimo acquisto fatto dalla squadra del presidente Fabiano, che garanitirà sicuramente sicurezza alla difesa di Varese.

I tabellini e i commenti delle partite

Geymonat Orizzonte Catania-Diavolina Nervi 20.8
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 6, Garibotti 3, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 2 (1 rig.) Bosurgi 2, Bosello, Ragusa 2, Gil 4, Musumeci 1, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi.
Diavolina Nerve: The Priests, Cadirola, settonce "pattern, Marcialis 1, Gallone, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi, Rulon 5, Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci 1. Herds Marsili.

Referee: Alfi
Note: partial 4-1, 2-3, 8-3, 6-1. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Horizon 1 / 4 + 1 penalty, Nervi 1 / 4. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Office Horizon CT

Wide Horizon Geymonat victory in the pool of Nesima that has emerged to 20-8 on Diavolina Nervi. Net also the difference in technical values \u200b\u200bin the tub with Catania who showed good clarity subnet. The race started downhill for the team Formiconi that ended the first part is ahead 4-1. After a second quarter ended stingy with emotions with the partial formation of 2-3 for the Ligurian, the last two times were in strong colors rossazzurre. In an extraordinary professorship has risen Martina Miceli who made six goals from all angles with doves and accurate shots from distance. "I'm not fully satisfied with the proof of my girls-state technical Geymonat, Pierluigi Formiconi, - because we made serious errors in some circumstances. We were perfect from the tactical point of view and some closures in defense. Fiorentina Wednesday comes the good technical Gianni De Magistris and I hope that my team does not commit the same mistakes because they would lose the game. " Best in Bath: Geymonat Miceli, Nervi Rulon.

Beauty Star Padova-Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 7-5
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, Pavan 2 (1 rig.) Ilaria Savioli, Santinello, Martina Savioli, 1 Poodle, a Gibellini, Dario, Rocco , 2 Kutuzova, Barbazza 1, Barzon, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio, Ill. 2 (1 rig.), D'Agata, Virzi 1 (pen), Rambaldi 1, Vitale 1, Chestnut, Trimarchi. Herds Misiti.

Referee: Bensaia
Note: partial 3-0, 3-2, 1-1, 0-2. Outputs to limit fouls Sick (M) and Virzi (M) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Plebiscite 3 / 13 + 2 penalties in a quarter in time to ascend by Pavan (pole), Messina 0 / 1 + 2 penalties. 200 viewers


defeat for Mr Water Polo Fontalba Messina, which gives a narrow margin (7-5) in the presence of the third force the greatest female water polo championship. Misiti's team had the usual starting handicap (0-3) but the second time forward has bounced back and fought on par with the more illustrious opponents. Good defense, there has been a weakness on offense, partly because of the absence of Cecchina Andrea Toth, remained in office as affected. The next round will be played Wednesday, December 3, when the program is in the derby against Ortigia in Syracuse. For peloritane to report the two networks scored by Giusy Malato.

RN Florentia-Line Mediterranean Imperia 18-7
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini 3, 5 Masip, Canetti 2, Ceccarelli 2, March, Sorbi 2, Travelli 1, Lucia Giannetti, Baffin 1, Francesca Giannetti 1, lie 1. Herds Ferri.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Solaini, Amoretti, Risivi 3 (1 rig.) Gloria Gorlero 1, Borriello 1 Emmolo, Dalla Valle, Russian, Drocco 1 Bencardino, Legorini, May and Related Areas. Herds Shack.

Referee: Riccitelli
Note: partial 3-2, 5-1, 5-2, 5-2. Outputs to limit fouls Bencardino (I), Ceccarelli (F) and Related Areas (I) in the third period, Borriello (I), Emmolo (I) and sorbates (F) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Florentia 9 / 15, Imperia 1 / 12 + 3 penalties, 2 of which failed. In the first time Perry has parried the shot to Emmolo Risivi in \u200b\u200bthe second half and pulled out. Approximately 100 spectators.

Walter Moretti WaterpoloWomen

Partita no history for the RN Florentia, who driven by Masip (5 goals) manages to bring home the result without worries of mind. Good part of the Empire, taking cover 1 to 0, but will also be the only advantage of the team of Mr. Shack. Giulia Gorlero free between the posts, for her injury to a finger, the Empire falls under girls Ferri, brave to take advantage of the counterattacks and man more. Too many expulsions by the referee whistled Riccitelli who have repeatedly broken the game, many also controfalli booed. The Florentia moves in rankings Ten points, the team Ferri shows every game on the progess of the game plan. The Imperia is a very young team, but he will be able to say its against many teams, despite the heavy defeat today.

Yamamay Varese-Roma 9-7 Waterpolo
Yamamay Varese Olona: Armstrong, Valkai 4, Peverelli, Mancini, Francesca Bosco 1, Manuela Zanchi 3 (1 rig.) Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest, Repetto, Rosini , Mendoza, Favini, Silvia Motta. Herds Zanchi.
Rome Water Polo: Sabatini, Radicchi 3, Brini, Abbate, Giovannangeli 1, Kraus 2 (1 rig.) Tenchini 1, Tortora, Fabbri, Green, Sacco, Angiulli. Herds Usai.

Referee: L. White
Note: partial 3-2, 0-0, 4-1, 2-4. Output for the limit of fouls Fabbri (R) in the fourth time. Expelled for protests to end game Manuela Zanchi (V). Numerical superiority: Varese 3 / 6 + 1 penalty, Rome 3 / 10 + 1 penalty. Attendance 400.


the last team you'd expect: big hearts and technical skills. And Rome returns home with a defeat far more marked than say the end result.

start imposing of Varese that deploy the U.S. Betsey Armstrong in goal ... and within a few minutes is 3 to 0 (Zanchi, Fantasy, Valkai). Retrieve the Roma with two goals of radicchio and the half ends on 3 to 2. During the second part there are no markings but the game (even heavy) is there. The best things you see in the third period with a hat-trick and still dell'incontenibile Valkai Zanchi. The last time there was a return to Rome, playing all out, it is reported to only two points but not enough. Zanchi off any remaining hopes with a shot from the penalty spot. Varese won 9 to 7 and turns away from the shallows of the league. Wednesday, December 3 important trip to Imperia.

Rapallo-Swimming 90-10 Rem Ortigia
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, Azevedo 3 (1 rig.) Bacigalupo, Dalorto, Queirolo, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 1, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 3, May 2, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Sabatini, Box 1, Starace, Giuliani, Aiello 3, 3 Durst, Gottardi 1, Brown 1, Ayala 1, Begin. Herds Leone.

Referee: Severo
Note: partial 2-4, 1-2, 1-1, 5-3. Output for the limit of fouls Begin (O) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Rapallo fifth penalty + 1, Ortigia 2 / 8. About 150 spectators.

Press Ortigia Siracusa Prospero Dante

Syracuse, Nov. 29 '08 - Second successful in Liguria, in seven days, for Syracuse Ortigia Rem which regulates the Rapallo to 10 to 9 at the end of a game led from the start.

Siracusane still under the command of the game, ready to weigh the most experience against a team that has shown, however, very aggressive and reactive. With a maximum advantage of the three networks, the Greens have dropped a little white in the last few minutes giving the hosts two goals and an equal superiority.

Syracuse exhausted at the final whistle and two compliments from technical Gino Leone. "Thanks to all - said hot - An important success came against a good team, and especially after an exhausting journey. Be just before you arrive in Rapallo 14, after four hours of delays at Fiumicino and a heel elevator in the morning, speaks volumes about the seriousness of these athletes. "

WP Giotti Fiorentina-Bologna RN 20-9
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 3 (1 rig.) Lavorini 3, Colaiocco Mila De Magistris 1, Casanova, Dravucz 8 (1 rig.) Masi 2, 2 Lapi, Cotti, Beans, Frassinetti 1, Bucelli. Herds Gianni De Magistris.
RN Bologna: Agosta, Mariotti, Lens, Raymond, Parma, Oak, Recovery 1, Stortoni 1, Dal Fiume 2, Mazzini, Reviglio, Oriandi 1, 4 Vasil'eva, Tegg. Herds posterity.

Referee: Bacis.
Notes: partial 1-2, 7-0, 6-4, 6-3. No output to limit fouls. Gigli (F) has saved a penalty in the second half Vasil'eva. Numerical superiority: Fiorentina 1 / 2, Bologna 1 / 9. Approximately 200 spectators. by Luca Cellini

New success home to Fiorentina Wp Gianni De Magistris, who he beat in the afternoon with a "misleading" the final 20 to 9 Rare Nantes Bologna. The result in fact hides a lot of bad things in training in Florence, certainly not facilitated by the referee, a negative Bacis of Osio, but above all it has its problems to complicate things, not playing up to its value, with some individuality in heavy downturn. One for all, from this point of view is Elena Gigli, Fiorentina goalkeeper Wp and National, which has undergone at least four goals against Bologna avoidable, clearly demonstrating the regressive phase from after the Olympics, given that often lack focus and a sense tactics that make it the first "attacker" during the resumption of the offensive play of the team led by De Magistris. Really bad the first quarter of girls undergo two lily networks by Recovery and Oriandi, finding only the first of the eight goals of the race by Rita Dravucz. Everything changes already in the second eight minutes with Lavorini which, while revealing defensive amnesia, makes impact and the desire to make a difference in phase offensive. A Casanova is still limited by the guardian nose proves to be a weapon in more 'to serve her companions, who are struggling, however, despite the seven to zero in the second quarter, to run the ball. In fact, the coach of Fiorentina Wp De Magistris right on the score of 8 to 2, after having watched the first two quarters to sit next to his "second" Stieber, begins to scream and draw its players. The game plan on that score is already over, sees the goal in the third quarter of Mila De Magistris and an irrepressible Dravucz. Unwatchable but the goal of 14 to 6 marked by Bologna, Vasileva pulling the time expired and uncertainty Lavorini Gigli and allow the ball to slip in the door. Meanwhile, back in the second quarter, had reached the most 'good news of the afternoon, with the goal of no more than Allegra Lapi finally' prisoner of McDonald's Florence. It was a pleasure to find the girl in the water with the number 9 canottina absolute star of the last years of water polo win signed Fiorentina Wp. In the last quarter still Dravucz protagonist, played with some notable also Frassinetti with cooked beans and they did their best side. It will, however, next Wednesday against Horizon Wp Fiorentina Catania quite another to get out unscathed from the tank Etna, against the formation with the team leaders lily. The technician De Magistris growth is expected especially from the point of view of concentration and intensity of play, because, as has happened in recent years, the challenges already in the regular season against Catania apply a piece of the championship.


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