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Water Polo Women's Day at 6 ^ scores and comments


championship in women, after 6 days, continues the march arm in arm with Geymonat Horizon Catania and Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti. For Etna success away on Yamamay Varese Olona Bosurgi of 19-8 with 5 goals, 4 and 3, Di Mario Gil, the lilies, however, have won the derby with Rare Nantes Florentia Florence 14-8 with hat-trick Casanova. The Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova Bologna engages the RN - defeat at Syracuse dall'Ortigia 18-4 - al secondo posto battendo la matricola Linea Mediterranea Imperia 16-9. Nella tre due partite in programma Diavolina Nervi-Roma Pallanuoto 8-7 e Rapallo Nuoto-Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 9-8. Seguono i tabellini delle partite della sesta giornata del Campionato di pallanuoto femminile di serie A1 e la classifica:

Diavolina Nervi-Roma Pallanuoto 8-7
Diavolina Nervi: Lo Preti, Settonce 1, Zizzo 1, Marcialis 2, Gallone, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi 1, Rulon 2, Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci. All. Marsili.
Roma Pallanuoto: Sabatini, Radicchi 2, Brini, Abbate 1, Giovannangeli 1, Kraus 1, Tenchini 2, Tortora, Fabbri, Verde, Sacco, Angiulli, Bonelli. All. Mancini.
Arbitro: Bacis.
Note: parziali 3-2, 2-1, 2-1, 1-3. Nessuna uscita per limite di falli. Espulsa Zizzo (N) per brutalità nel quarto tempo. Superiorità numeriche: Diavolina Nervi 2/5, Roma Pallanuoto 3/7. Spettatori 100 circa.

Rem Ortigia-RN Bologna 18-4
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone 1, Starace, Giuliani 1, Aiello 6, Dursi 1, Ciampichetti, Gottardi, Pelle 3 (1 rig.), Ayale 1, Comitini, Begin 5. Herds Leone.
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lens, Raymond, Parma, Recovery, Stortoni, Dal Fiume 3 (1 rig.) Reviglio, Oriandi 1, Vasil'eva, Tegg. Herds posterity.
Referee: Round
Note: partial 5-0, 3-2, 5-2, 5-0. Outputs to limit fouls Gottardi (O) and Oriandi (B) in the third period, Reviglio (B) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Rem Ortigia 4 / 9, Bologna RN 1 / 7. Gay (O) Vasil'eva has saved a penalty in the first half 2-0 up. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Prospero Dante Siracusa Ortigia
Siracusa - Ortigia Rem Anger overwhelms the Bologna and the result of 18 to 4 back to success after the last two defeats in Padova and Catania. The Syracusan appear from the outset focused and determined. The first goal came after just 20 seconds with Rosario Aiello, in front of an audience of exception, Roberto smell of flowers in National, will be the best at the end of the day with 6 goals. The Rem Ortigia concedes nothing, a completely different team than the one without a soul having just three days ago. Bologna, the third force in the league, looks stunned and confused under the pounding of the hosts. In water is the best spirit of this review Ortigia: il gruppo che gioca dimenticando individualità e personalismi. Le ospiti segnano il primo gol soltanto a metà del secondo tempo quando già il risultato pendeva a favore delle bianco verdi per 8 a 0. Il sette di Leone si concede poche pause e, concedendo spazio anche alle giovanissime Ciampichetti e Comitini, chiude la settimana terribile con il sorriso sulle labbra. 

Commento Gino Leone (all. Ortigia): Brucia ancora la sconfitta di mercoledì ma, dopo la vittoria di oggi, posso dire che siamo sulla via della guarigione. Le ragazze hanno reagito bene e contro Bologna abbiamo dimostrato che non siamo quelle viste a Catania. Spero che oggi sia arrivata la svolta per our league.

Remarks Stephen Poster (Appendix Bologna): I was expecting a power outage and after four consecutive wins against Ortigia we can be. Surely I was not expecting a defeat of these dimensions. We have absolutely the wrong approach to the game and we were never able to play as we know.

Rapallo Swimming Waterpolo Fontalba-Messina 9-8
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, 3 Azevedo, Bacigalupo, Dalorto, Queirolo 1, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 2, De Benigno 1, Branchi, 2 Bianconi, Maggi, Carlini. All. Sinatra.
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Murè, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio 1, Malato 2, D'Agata 1, Virzì, Rambaldi, Vitale, Castagna, Toth 3 (1 rig.). All. Misiti.
Arbitro: Collantoni.
Note: parziali 2-0, 3-2, 3-5, 1-1. Uscite per limite di falli De Benigno (R) e Virzì (M) nel terzo tempo, Azevedo (R) nel quarto. Superiorità numeriche: Rapallo Nuoto 3/7, Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 2/9. Ricciardi (M) ha parato un rigore ad Azevedo nel terzo tempo sull'8-6 e a Queirolo nel quarto tempo sul 9-8.

Le peloritane give 9-8 in Rapallo. As has happened in other occasions Toth and companions have been two goals before reacting, but at a distance were forced to surrender, albeit narrowly. Among the best Giusy Malato, enthralling true team, and goalkeeper Joseph Sparacio Grazia Ricciardi. The
Fontalba suffers in Rapallo (9-8) its third consecutive defeat after a closely fought game in which Messina have always pursued. As has happened in other occasions, in fact, the team suffered two networks peloritana first to react, but the distance had to give up, although by a narrow margin. The best of Fontalba were Giusy Malato, enthralling true team, and goalkeeper Joseph Sparacio Grace Ricciardi, starred in some fine work (among other things, he saved two penalties and beaten by Azevedo Queirolo). And in the next round impossible task against Fiorentina, including the battleships of the tournament.

Yamamay Varese Olona-Geymonat Horizon Catania 8-19
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 2, Pedrelli, Monica Zanchi, Francesca Bosco, Manuela Zanchi, Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest , Perego, Rosini, one Mendoza, Favini, Motta 4. Herds Zanchi.
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 1, Garibotti, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 4 (1 rig.) Bosurgi 5, Bosello, Ragusa 3, Gil 3, Musumeci 2, Vetter 1, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi.
Referee: Severo.
Note: partial 1-6, 1-3, 5-6, 1-4. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Yamamay Varese Olona 1 / 4, Geymonat Horizon Catania 3 / 5. Mancini (V) has saved a penalty of Mario in the third period. About 300 spectators.

Horizon Catania beats Yamamay Varese with the pace of the big shows and all of its value in attack and defense. But Varese disagreed with character and good will, ending the match head held high even if the sentence score (1-6, 1-3, 5-6, 1-4). E 'was however, an important test in preparation for next Saturday's trip to Bologna Rare against Nantes. Training and goal: Mancini, Valkai 2, Peverelli, Monica Zanchi, Francesca Bosco, Manuela Zanchi, Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest, Perego, Rosini, one Mendoza, Favini, Motta 4.

Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova-Line Mediterranean Imperia 16-9
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, 3 Pavan, Ilaria 1 Savioli, Santinello, Martina Savioli, 2 poodles, 1 Gibellini , Dario, Rocco 4 (1 rig.) Kutuzova 3, Barbazza 1, 1 Barzon, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Giulia Gorlero, Belmonte, a Risivi, Gloria Gorlero, Borriello 1 Emmolo 3 (2 rig.), Dalla Valle, a Russian, Drive, Bencardino 2 Drocco, May, Legorini 1. Herds Shack.
Referee: De Cesare.
Note: partial 4-1, 5-1, 3-3, 4-4. Output for the limit of fouls Risivi (I) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova 7 / 12, Imperia Linea Mediterranea 3 / 7. Kutuzova (P) hit the post with a penalty in the second half on 4-1. About 250 spectators.

Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti-RN Florentia 14-8
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotto: Gigli Biancardi 2 (1 rig.) Lavorini 2, 1 Colaiocco Mila De Magistris, Casanova 3, Dravucz 1 (pen), Masi 2, Bucelli, Cooked 1, Beans, Frassinetti 2 (1 rig.) Chiti. Herds Gianni De Magistris.
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini, Masip 1, 4 Canetti, Scarselli, Ceccarelli, March 2, Sorbi, Travelli, Lucia Giannetti 1, Baffin Island, lie. Herds Ferri.
Referee: Pascucci.
Note: partial 2-2, 2-1, 3-3, 7-2. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti 1 / 6, RN Florentia 2 / 7. Gigli (W) has saved a penalty Masip in the first half 0-0. Spectators About 200

Press Florentine wp

FLORENCE - It 's been a good show for the derby between Florence and Rare Waterpolo Nantes. The two teams have created a thrilling match, which remained in balance until the last quarter. Before the match, in the pool 'Nannini' was also held an awards ceremony in which awards were presented to participants of the Beijing Olympics last: Gigli, Casanova, Frassinetti, Dravucz, Stieber and petticoats. An award was also given to two athletes Bartolini and lying, the latter on loan from the Rare Waterpolo, won the gold at the European Youth. After the ceremony, the two teams in the tank started to get serious. After 40''was to have Masip Cancava to take the lead thanks to a rare penalty, but Gigli has rejected the conclusion on the pole. To take the lead, however, were the girls of De Magistris, without, however, never able to get one important part. The excellent performance of the Rare Nantes, in fact, has kept the outcome in balance until the third quarter. Then, the last village, girls Waterpolo have accelerated the final, closing the debate on the 14-8. Of note, esrodio also the second ever Serie A goalkeeper Waterpolo Judith Chiti. "It 's been a good show - said Gianni De Magistris - and I believe that the many spectators have fun. The two teams will train together, so we were well aware, this has meant that the outcome remained in balance until the very last time. Then - concluded the coach - the last village we have increased the pace, playing a good water polo and inflicting a great part that made the difference. "


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