Sunday, November 30, 2008

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The eighth championship results, scores and comments

A1 FEMALE. Geymonat Opens Horizon with great success, 20-8, on Nerves Diavolina. Waterpolo Giotti Closes Fiorentina, who beat the 20-9 RN Detent Bologna and the Etna. Among the other matches .
The power struggle for third place. The Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova beats Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 7-5 and moves to 18 points, to -2, the Rem Ortigia che vince a Rapallo 10-9; a -3 la RN Bologna, battuta a Firenze dalla Fiorentina. Successi importanti nella parte bassa della classifica per la RN Florentia, 18-7 sulla Linea Mediterrane Imperia, e per la Yamamay Varese Olona, 9-7 sulla Roma Pallanuoto.

Imporante novità in casa Varese che schiera in acqua il portiere della Nazionale Americana Betsey Armstrong. Armstrong è attualmente considerata il miglior portiere al mondo, ottimo acquisto fatto dalla squadra del presidente Fabiano, che garanitirà sicuramente sicurezza alla difesa di Varese.

I tabellini e i commenti delle partite

Geymonat Orizzonte Catania-Diavolina Nervi 20.8
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 6, Garibotti 3, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 2 (1 rig.) Bosurgi 2, Bosello, Ragusa 2, Gil 4, Musumeci 1, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi.
Diavolina Nerve: The Priests, Cadirola, settonce "pattern, Marcialis 1, Gallone, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi, Rulon 5, Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci 1. Herds Marsili.

Referee: Alfi
Note: partial 4-1, 2-3, 8-3, 6-1. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Horizon 1 / 4 + 1 penalty, Nervi 1 / 4. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Office Horizon CT

Wide Horizon Geymonat victory in the pool of Nesima that has emerged to 20-8 on Diavolina Nervi. Net also the difference in technical values \u200b\u200bin the tub with Catania who showed good clarity subnet. The race started downhill for the team Formiconi that ended the first part is ahead 4-1. After a second quarter ended stingy with emotions with the partial formation of 2-3 for the Ligurian, the last two times were in strong colors rossazzurre. In an extraordinary professorship has risen Martina Miceli who made six goals from all angles with doves and accurate shots from distance. "I'm not fully satisfied with the proof of my girls-state technical Geymonat, Pierluigi Formiconi, - because we made serious errors in some circumstances. We were perfect from the tactical point of view and some closures in defense. Fiorentina Wednesday comes the good technical Gianni De Magistris and I hope that my team does not commit the same mistakes because they would lose the game. " Best in Bath: Geymonat Miceli, Nervi Rulon.

Beauty Star Padova-Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 7-5
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, Pavan 2 (1 rig.) Ilaria Savioli, Santinello, Martina Savioli, 1 Poodle, a Gibellini, Dario, Rocco , 2 Kutuzova, Barbazza 1, Barzon, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio, Ill. 2 (1 rig.), D'Agata, Virzi 1 (pen), Rambaldi 1, Vitale 1, Chestnut, Trimarchi. Herds Misiti.

Referee: Bensaia
Note: partial 3-0, 3-2, 1-1, 0-2. Outputs to limit fouls Sick (M) and Virzi (M) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Plebiscite 3 / 13 + 2 penalties in a quarter in time to ascend by Pavan (pole), Messina 0 / 1 + 2 penalties. 200 viewers


defeat for Mr Water Polo Fontalba Messina, which gives a narrow margin (7-5) in the presence of the third force the greatest female water polo championship. Misiti's team had the usual starting handicap (0-3) but the second time forward has bounced back and fought on par with the more illustrious opponents. Good defense, there has been a weakness on offense, partly because of the absence of Cecchina Andrea Toth, remained in office as affected. The next round will be played Wednesday, December 3, when the program is in the derby against Ortigia in Syracuse. For peloritane to report the two networks scored by Giusy Malato.

RN Florentia-Line Mediterranean Imperia 18-7
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini 3, 5 Masip, Canetti 2, Ceccarelli 2, March, Sorbi 2, Travelli 1, Lucia Giannetti, Baffin 1, Francesca Giannetti 1, lie 1. Herds Ferri.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Solaini, Amoretti, Risivi 3 (1 rig.) Gloria Gorlero 1, Borriello 1 Emmolo, Dalla Valle, Russian, Drocco 1 Bencardino, Legorini, May and Related Areas. Herds Shack.

Referee: Riccitelli
Note: partial 3-2, 5-1, 5-2, 5-2. Outputs to limit fouls Bencardino (I), Ceccarelli (F) and Related Areas (I) in the third period, Borriello (I), Emmolo (I) and sorbates (F) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Florentia 9 / 15, Imperia 1 / 12 + 3 penalties, 2 of which failed. In the first time Perry has parried the shot to Emmolo Risivi in \u200b\u200bthe second half and pulled out. Approximately 100 spectators.

Walter Moretti WaterpoloWomen

Partita no history for the RN Florentia, who driven by Masip (5 goals) manages to bring home the result without worries of mind. Good part of the Empire, taking cover 1 to 0, but will also be the only advantage of the team of Mr. Shack. Giulia Gorlero free between the posts, for her injury to a finger, the Empire falls under girls Ferri, brave to take advantage of the counterattacks and man more. Too many expulsions by the referee whistled Riccitelli who have repeatedly broken the game, many also controfalli booed. The Florentia moves in rankings Ten points, the team Ferri shows every game on the progess of the game plan. The Imperia is a very young team, but he will be able to say its against many teams, despite the heavy defeat today.

Yamamay Varese-Roma 9-7 Waterpolo
Yamamay Varese Olona: Armstrong, Valkai 4, Peverelli, Mancini, Francesca Bosco 1, Manuela Zanchi 3 (1 rig.) Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest, Repetto, Rosini , Mendoza, Favini, Silvia Motta. Herds Zanchi.
Rome Water Polo: Sabatini, Radicchi 3, Brini, Abbate, Giovannangeli 1, Kraus 2 (1 rig.) Tenchini 1, Tortora, Fabbri, Green, Sacco, Angiulli. Herds Usai.

Referee: L. White
Note: partial 3-2, 0-0, 4-1, 2-4. Output for the limit of fouls Fabbri (R) in the fourth time. Expelled for protests to end game Manuela Zanchi (V). Numerical superiority: Varese 3 / 6 + 1 penalty, Rome 3 / 10 + 1 penalty. Attendance 400.


the last team you'd expect: big hearts and technical skills. And Rome returns home with a defeat far more marked than say the end result.

start imposing of Varese that deploy the U.S. Betsey Armstrong in goal ... and within a few minutes is 3 to 0 (Zanchi, Fantasy, Valkai). Retrieve the Roma with two goals of radicchio and the half ends on 3 to 2. During the second part there are no markings but the game (even heavy) is there. The best things you see in the third period with a hat-trick and still dell'incontenibile Valkai Zanchi. The last time there was a return to Rome, playing all out, it is reported to only two points but not enough. Zanchi off any remaining hopes with a shot from the penalty spot. Varese won 9 to 7 and turns away from the shallows of the league. Wednesday, December 3 important trip to Imperia.

Rapallo-Swimming 90-10 Rem Ortigia
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, Azevedo 3 (1 rig.) Bacigalupo, Dalorto, Queirolo, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 1, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 3, May 2, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Sabatini, Box 1, Starace, Giuliani, Aiello 3, 3 Durst, Gottardi 1, Brown 1, Ayala 1, Begin. Herds Leone.

Referee: Severo
Note: partial 2-4, 1-2, 1-1, 5-3. Output for the limit of fouls Begin (O) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Rapallo fifth penalty + 1, Ortigia 2 / 8. About 150 spectators.

Press Ortigia Siracusa Prospero Dante

Syracuse, Nov. 29 '08 - Second successful in Liguria, in seven days, for Syracuse Ortigia Rem which regulates the Rapallo to 10 to 9 at the end of a game led from the start.

Siracusane still under the command of the game, ready to weigh the most experience against a team that has shown, however, very aggressive and reactive. With a maximum advantage of the three networks, the Greens have dropped a little white in the last few minutes giving the hosts two goals and an equal superiority.

Syracuse exhausted at the final whistle and two compliments from technical Gino Leone. "Thanks to all - said hot - An important success came against a good team, and especially after an exhausting journey. Be just before you arrive in Rapallo 14, after four hours of delays at Fiumicino and a heel elevator in the morning, speaks volumes about the seriousness of these athletes. "

WP Giotti Fiorentina-Bologna RN 20-9
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 3 (1 rig.) Lavorini 3, Colaiocco Mila De Magistris 1, Casanova, Dravucz 8 (1 rig.) Masi 2, 2 Lapi, Cotti, Beans, Frassinetti 1, Bucelli. Herds Gianni De Magistris.
RN Bologna: Agosta, Mariotti, Lens, Raymond, Parma, Oak, Recovery 1, Stortoni 1, Dal Fiume 2, Mazzini, Reviglio, Oriandi 1, 4 Vasil'eva, Tegg. Herds posterity.

Referee: Bacis.
Notes: partial 1-2, 7-0, 6-4, 6-3. No output to limit fouls. Gigli (F) has saved a penalty in the second half Vasil'eva. Numerical superiority: Fiorentina 1 / 2, Bologna 1 / 9. Approximately 200 spectators. by Luca Cellini

New success home to Fiorentina Wp Gianni De Magistris, who he beat in the afternoon with a "misleading" the final 20 to 9 Rare Nantes Bologna. The result in fact hides a lot of bad things in training in Florence, certainly not facilitated by the referee, a negative Bacis of Osio, but above all it has its problems to complicate things, not playing up to its value, with some individuality in heavy downturn. One for all, from this point of view is Elena Gigli, Fiorentina goalkeeper Wp and National, which has undergone at least four goals against Bologna avoidable, clearly demonstrating the regressive phase from after the Olympics, given that often lack focus and a sense tactics that make it the first "attacker" during the resumption of the offensive play of the team led by De Magistris. Really bad the first quarter of girls undergo two lily networks by Recovery and Oriandi, finding only the first of the eight goals of the race by Rita Dravucz. Everything changes already in the second eight minutes with Lavorini which, while revealing defensive amnesia, makes impact and the desire to make a difference in phase offensive. A Casanova is still limited by the guardian nose proves to be a weapon in more 'to serve her companions, who are struggling, however, despite the seven to zero in the second quarter, to run the ball. In fact, the coach of Fiorentina Wp De Magistris right on the score of 8 to 2, after having watched the first two quarters to sit next to his "second" Stieber, begins to scream and draw its players. The game plan on that score is already over, sees the goal in the third quarter of Mila De Magistris and an irrepressible Dravucz. Unwatchable but the goal of 14 to 6 marked by Bologna, Vasileva pulling the time expired and uncertainty Lavorini Gigli and allow the ball to slip in the door. Meanwhile, back in the second quarter, had reached the most 'good news of the afternoon, with the goal of no more than Allegra Lapi finally' prisoner of McDonald's Florence. It was a pleasure to find the girl in the water with the number 9 canottina absolute star of the last years of water polo win signed Fiorentina Wp. In the last quarter still Dravucz protagonist, played with some notable also Frassinetti with cooked beans and they did their best side. It will, however, next Wednesday against Horizon Wp Fiorentina Catania quite another to get out unscathed from the tank Etna, against the formation with the team leaders lily. The technician De Magistris growth is expected especially from the point of view of concentration and intensity of play, because, as has happened in recent years, the challenges already in the regular season against Catania apply a piece of the championship.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Experience Certificate Wordings

tomorrow at home against the Rarigirls Imperia

Press Office RN Florentia

"We must win this game and try to make a better game, especially in certain situations, compared to last Saturday." This is the "Furio Ferri thought" on the eve of the match tomorrow Rarigirl Bellariva (15 hours, referee Riccitelli) host the Mediterranean Line Imperia.
"An easy game - says Ferri - but only apparently. We must not look at the charts because there is high level and balance. Of course, the chance to win we have it, and how. This week we trained well for England, I saw the girls in the state. The important thing is to face this task without distraction and with great concentration. The objective is to improve ranking and play. "

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Tomorrow will be the Ortigia Careful word Gino Leone

Dante Prospero Press Office REM Ortigia Siracusa

Syracuse, Nov. 28 '08 - Second consecutive trip in Liguria for Rem Ortigia Syracuse tomorrow, with a start time of 15:30, referee Alexander Severus, falls into the pool of Rapallo.

The Syracuse will try to repeat the success of seven days ago in Imperia. The match tomorrow is certainly - at least on paper - with the most difficult to follow the Ligurian white green in the standings with 9 points.

"We'll have to be careful - he warns Syracuse coach Gino Leone - Rapallo is the team that can hurt, especially in front of his home crowd. There are ottime individualità e l’entusiasmo di molte giovani che stanno facendo veramente bene.

Noi dovremo ripeterci, dimostrando che quanto fatto contro Bologna ed Imperia è il frutto di un lavoro e di una crescita costante. Ci sarà da soffrire e per questo ho chiesto alle ragazze il massimo dell’impegno e dell’attenzione”.

La squadra ha ultimato oggi la preparazione in vista della partenza per la Liguria. Alla comitiva bianco verde è stata aggregata la giovane Valentina Sabatini.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

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Horizon also won the European Super Cup, the first in its history

di Giuseppe Castro

Ufficio stampa Geymonat Orizzonte

HORIZON-ROMA 16-8 (4-2, 4-1, 3-2, 5-3)

Geymonat Horizon : Brancati Miceli, Garibotti 3, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 5, Bosurgi, Bosello, Ragusa 2, Gil 5, Musumeci 1, Vetter, Maugeri, Mazepova. All Formiconi

Rome: Sabatini, Radicchi 3, Brini, Abbate 1, 2 Giovannangeli Kraus Tenchini 1, Tortora, Fabbri 1, Green, Bonelli. All Usai.

Delegate: Vater

Referees: Balzan (Malta) and Stavridis (GRE)

numerical superiority : Horizon 6 / 10, Roma 4 / 7

CATANIA - Catania Geymonat The winning his first European Super Cup in history, signing the Grand Slam after winning the Scudetto and the Champions Cup. Now you can certainly talk about dominance rossazzurro pallanuotistico field in Europe. The "seven" by Pierluigi Formiconi beat Roma in a match where the outcome was never questioned because of significant technical difference of values \u200b\u200bbetween the two teams. The Empire Strikes Back rossazzurro thanks to the class and experience contro la quale la squadra capitolina non ha potuto nulla. E’ stata Blanca Gil ad aprire le marcature per la Geymonat con un gol dal centro. La Roma ben presto ha avuto un sussulto e per la prima e unica volta del match è passata in vantaggio con i gol di Fabbri ( in superiorità) e Radicchi dalla distanza. Le padrone di casa accelerano e chiudono il tempo con un parziale di 3-0 con le reti di Tania Di Mario (due volte) e poi Blanca Gil dal centro. La supremazia tecnica delle ragazze di Formiconi continua nel secondo parziale. In avvio realizza la Garibotti ma risponde la squadra ospite con Radicchi in superiorità. Subito dopo la Geymonat colleziona un secondo parziale di 3-0 con le marcature di Garibotti su rigore, Di Mario in superiorità e Ragusa. Si cambia campo sul risultato di 8-3 per le catanesi. In apertura del terzo tempo si scatena la spagnola Gil che firma una doppietta. Gol ancora di una straordinaria Garibotti mentre per le giallorosse realizzano Tenchini e Giovannangeli.La gara si chiude con l’ennesimo parziale dominato dalle rossazzurre. Nel quarto tempo infatti, dopo la rete della romana Radicchi, risponde Cinzia Ragusa. Formiconi decide di mettere in vasca tutte le sue atlete in panchina facendo esordire tra i pali la russa Mazepova che sostituisce la Brancati. La Roma prova a diminuire lo svantaggio e Abbate trova l’angolo giusto con un tiro preciso. Poi Giovannangeli (in superiorità) Di Mario, doppietta, e chiude la partita l’esperta Musumeci. Finisce 16-8 con la gioia delle ragazze Geymonat in the water. The swimming pool in Nesima was the magical setting in which the Russian club has won the President's the only trophy missing from the rolling in his bulletin. It closes with the captain, Silvia Bosurgi, raising the European Supercup. This is truly a legend.

Best in tank Geymonat: Mario and Gil. Rome: Radicchi.

"It was now a perfect performance, but we got what we wanted, says Martina Miceli -. We signed the grand slam that I feel I dedicate to those who no longer part of this gruppo e che lo scorso anno ha contribuito a farci arrivare così in alto ”.

E’ la nostra prima Supercoppa europea. Abbiamo vinto –chiosa la capitana Silvia Bosurgi - anche senza brillare, ma siamo molto felici di aver portato a casa l’unico trofeo mancante prima d’ora nella nostra bacheca”.

Sono contento di essere subito entrato nella gloriosa storia della Geymonat conquistando questa coppa –afferma il tecnico Pierluigi Formiconi -. E’ solo l’inizio di una lunga avventura che dovrà portarci ad altri appuntamenti importanti come questo di oggi. Sulla race there is very little to say, when we pushed and played with clarity, Roma have had great difficulty to restrain himself. But we did not always consistently. Obviously, my girls have managed to force the match without too much ".

Saturday, November 22, 2008

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The seventh A1

A1 WOMEN. Waiting for the recovery of Rome-Waterpolo Geymonat Horizon Catania, postponed to Wednesday to the commitment of both the European Super Cup tomorrow, Fiorentina Waterpolo Waterpolo Fontalba Giotti beat Messina 13-4 flying at the top with maximum points.

The scores

Diavolina Nervi Rapallo-Swimming 11-12
Diavolina Nerve: The Priests, Cadirola, settonce "pattern, Marcialis 2, 2 Gallon, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi 1, Rulon 5 (1 rig.) Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci. Herds Marsili.
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, Azevedo 3 (1 rig.) Bacigalupo, Dalorto 2, 1 Queirolo, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 4, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 1, May 1, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.

Referee: Melo.
Note: partial 3-2, 4-3, 2-4, 2-3. Output for the limit of fouls Gallon (N) in the fourth time. Expelled De Benigno (R) for foul play in the first half. The Priests (N) has saved a penalty in the second half to Bianconi. Superiority numerical: Nervi 3 / 9, Rapallo 5 / 9. Approximately 200 spectators.

Linea Mediterranea Imperia-Rem Ortigia 6-16
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Giulia Gorlero, Amoretti, Risivi 3, Gloria Gorlero, Borriello, Emmolo 1, Dalla Valle, Russian , Drocco, Bencardino, Legorini, May, Related Areas 2. Herds Shack.
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Cassone, Starace 3, Giuliani, Aiello 2, Dursi 1, Ciampichetti, Gottardi 1, Pelle 5 (1 rig.), Ayale 2, Begin 2. All. Leone.

Arbitro: D. Bianco.
Note: parziali 2-4, 1-5, 2-3, 1-4. Uscite per limite di falli Risivi (I) e Gottardi (O) nel quarto tempo. Nel quarto tempo Gay (O) ha parato un rigore a Emmolo (I). Superiorità numeriche: Imperia 2/9 + 1 rigore, Ortigia 4/8 + 1 rigore. Spettatori 300.

Ufficio Stampa REM Ortigia Siracusa

La Rem Ortigia Siracusa supera il primo scoglio ligure battendo l’Imperia per 16 a 6. Le bianco verdi hanno confermato quanto good to see that the last match at home against Bologna. However good evidence that the hosts after 20 seconds from the beginning, found themselves ahead with the enterprising Related Areas. The goal shook the cold Syracuse in a few minutes I managed to get much over the reins of the game. Excellent evidence of central vein and a good defensive forward, for Rem Ortigia was easier to stretch up to 10 to 3 at the beginning of the third time. The Empire has shown, however, great determination and competitive loads, forcing the Sicilian not to lower the tension of the match. Good performance of the group from the Gay siracusanecon the good, the fourth time, to parry a penalty excellent Emmolo.
"It was important to continue from Bologna - Gino Leone said after the match - and we did it against a young team and well prepared. I need to revisit the spirit of this group and I think that girls have entered the way we focus on giusta.Ora Rapallo to continue this positive trend and still look more optimistic about the future of the championship. I believe that the conditions are there though, as shown in a good seven days ago and today, increase in me the regret for the lackluster performance of Catania. "

WP Fontalba Fiorentina-Messina WP Giotti 4-13
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio, Ill. 1 (pen), D'Agata 1, Virzi, Rambaldi, Vitale, Castagna, Toth 1. Herds Misiti.
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 2, work 1, 2 Colaiocco Mila De Magistris, Casanova 2, 2 Dravucz, Masi 2, Cotti, Beans, Frassinetti 2. Herds Gianni De Magistris.

Referee: Naples.
Note: partial 1-5, 2-2, 1-3, 0-3. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Messina 1 / 4, Fiorentina 1 / 5. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Fiorentina Wp

MESSINA - Despite the difficulties encountered by Fiorentina Waterpolo to reach Messina and despite the rain that has definitely affected the game, the girls of Gianni De Magistris have managed to hit the seventh consecutive win in the league, surpassing the 13-4 Fontalba. As mentioned, the climatic conditions have made it difficult to match played in the open air pool in Messina, but thanks to a great start to the Waterpolo has undergone the game on track. The partial trimmed 5-1 in the first quarter has paved the way for Dravucz and companions, who were able to administer the benefit in remainder of the match, taking home three points. "We faced a daunting trip - said De Magistris - both for the storm that accompanied and conditioned throughout the game, both for the journey we have faced to reach Messina; just think that we got in the pool less than an hour from kick-off. Despite everything, I'm pretty happy with the match we played. We started very well and the first part we have secured the match, then we have continued to trot, but it was not easy to play with these conditions. The only discordant note, were the two missed penalty - said the coach - but this time slipped the ball to hand. "

RN Bologna-Yamamay Olona Varese 11-10
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lens, Raymond, Parma, Oak, Recovery, Stortoni 1, Dal Fiume 1, Calabrese, Reviglio 1, Oriandi 2, Vasil'eva 6 (3 rig.). Herds posterity.
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 2, Peverelli, Monica Zanchi, 1 Francesca Bosco, Manuela Zanchi, Fantasy, Carolina Forest 2, Repetto, one Mendoza, Favini, Silvia Motta 4 (1 rig.). Herds Zanchi.

Referee: Zappattore.
Note: partial 4-6, 2-0, 1-3, 4-1. Outputs to limit fouls Mendoza (V) in the third and Recovery (B) and Motta (V) in the fourth time. In the second half of August (B) has saved a penalty Silvia Motta. Numerical superiority: Bologna 3 / 10 + 3 penalties, Varese 3 / 7 + 2 penalties. Attendance 120.

poster's comment

Stephen Poster: "We started badly and accomplices of Varese played some beautiful well we got 6 goals in the first half. We have taken Varese in the third period but came back later. We went out last time with a 4-0 partial net that has brought us from 7-9 to 11-9 prior to their last network towards the end of the race. The key to our victory? our defense the last time. "

RN Florentia-Star Beauty Padova 12-16
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini 3, 4 Masip, Canetti 3, Scarselli, Ceccarelli, Marzi, Sorbi, Travelli, Lucia Giannetti, Baffin Island, Francesca Giannetti 1, lie 1. Herds Ferri.
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, Pavan 4, Ilaria Savioli, Santinello, Martina Savioli 1, Barboni, Gibellini 2, Dario, Rocco 1, 6 Kutuzova, Barbazza 2, Barzon, Giora. Sellaroli Herds.

Referee: Daniel.
Note: partial 3-4, 1-4, 3-3, 5-5. Nessubna went out to the limit of fouls. Numerical superiority: Florentia 2 / 6, Padova 8 / 13. Attendance 100.

Wed. November 26 15:00
Rome Water Polo-Geymonat Horizon Ct
Referee: Monnis

Friday, November 21, 2008

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appointment with history

Press Office Horizon CT

"important meeting" or better appointment with the history. The challenge Geymonat Catania next Sunday in the pool of Nesima (beginning at about 12) in the final of the Rome Water Polo European Supercup. The continental competition will pallanuotistica facing the champions of Europe in charge of training and Geymonat Capitoline Cup winner Len. For the team of coach Pierluigi Formiconi is the first effort of the season, in fact, if successful, Miceli & C. would sign after winning the grand slam championship and Champions Cup 2008. The Super Cup is the only European trophy ever won by Geymonat, who lost in 2006 in Budapest, the first edition, both female, against Honved. "We are ready for this final-gloss coach Pierluigi Formiconi. Let's start with the underdogs, but in water polo victories are achieved only at the final sound of the siren, and never before. We are preparing well from a physical and mental health to play a perfect race. " Blanca Gil of Spain, formerly of Rome, in view of his impressions of Sunday's game: "For me it is a special challenge since I won the Cup with the 2007 Len Rome. But now I want to win this trophy with Geymonat to sign the grand slam. "

These courses in the likely pool for the race scheduled, Sunday, Nov. 23, at 12:

Geymonat Catania : Brancati Miceli, Garibotti, Tagliaferri, Di Mario, Bosurgi, Bosello, Ragusa, Gil, Musumeci, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi.

Rome Water Polo: Sabatini, radicchio, Brini, Abbate, Giovannangeli Kraus Tenchini, Tortora, Fabbri, Green, Sacco, Angiulli, Bonelli.

Referees: Mr. Balzan (MLT), Mr. Stavridis (GRE)

Management: Mr. Vater (GER)

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For De Magistris will be a tough match

Press Fiorentina WP

One week away from victory in the derby against Rare Nantes Florentia, Fiorentina Waterpolo girls prepare to face the far away in Sicily, scheduled for Saturday at 15, against Fontalba Messina. Dravucz and partner try to center the seventh win in as many games to defend the primacy in the standings, the Waterpolo, in fact, is at the top with 18 points along with the Horizon Catania. After a good start of the season, however, Messina's team is going through a difficult time, a particular, that in no way peaceful Gianni De Magistris: "What awaits us on Saturday, a game will be anything but easy. Messina's team started the season well, but now is going through a difficult period. They will want to surrender and we will have to be careful, because there are athletes in their training of all respect as Toth, currently second in the scorer and the Sick. Besides, their pool is outdoors, with expectations that they have done, we expect very difficult climatic conditions. "

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"We necessarily need an"

Dante Prospero's (REM Press Ortigia Siracusa)

Syracuse 21 November '08 - and especially busy week for confirmation, one that begins tomorrow for the Rem Ortigia. The calendar has reserved a double header in Liguria and the seven white green, strengthened by the convincing victory over Bologna, try to find the pace of continuity in the league.

Tomorrow, starting at 14, the Syracusan empire makes last visit in the standings with three points gained, debut, in that of Rome.

"young team to fear - still says Syracuse coach, Gino Leone - We need points and we need to win them over, dovremo confermare quanto di buono fatto vedere sabato scorso contro il Bologna. Sono convinto che la reazione chiesta e attesa c’è stata; ora comincia un nuovo campionato per noi. Dobbiamo giocare da Ortigia, facendo leva sull’importanza del gruppo e questa settimana ligure può rappresentare una ulteriore spinta”.
Oggi la rifinitura in attesa della partenza per Genova. Nella comitiva bianco verde, al gran completo per questa trasferta, anche la giovane Caterina Ciampichetti.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Best Foundation Brush

Serie A1 female emotions that this water polo in pink

di Walter Moretti

Prima dell’inizio del campionato si sapeva già che sarebbe stato un bel campionato, o almeno tutti si aspettavano un po’ di spettacolo.
Fatta eccezione per le prime della classe Geymonat Orizzonte Catania e Fiorentina Giotti Wp, sotto le due regine c’è lotta continua.

Difficile prevedere dopo 6 partite quali saranno le quattro squadre, oltre Fiorentina e Orizzonte, che accederanno ai play-off.
Difficile per qualsiasi mago della pallanuoto predire chi sarà la squadra che si classificherà terza, quarta, quinta, sesta, settima, ottava, nona, decima, undicesima e dodicesima.
Un Campionato ricco di emozioni, di partite che finiscono sul filo di lana, con un solo goal di divario… è uno spettacolo that is good for the sport.
In races up to now we have seen some really nice things, that equates it to the Florentia Ortigia, the Bologna is in third place, a place that newcomers Nervi taking three consecutive wins with nine points and teams on paper regarded as the strongest and Varese Rapallo that are currently in the lower parts of the standings still running, but they are slowly starting to carburetor.
This is happening in the women's championship series A1 should be a spot for this sport to bring more people to the pools to watch really exciting match where the difference is only a few episodes.
So the council WWcom is to go swimming and take this league that is giving great emotions ....

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Water Polo Women's Day at 6 ^ scores and comments


championship in women, after 6 days, continues the march arm in arm with Geymonat Horizon Catania and Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti. For Etna success away on Yamamay Varese Olona Bosurgi of 19-8 with 5 goals, 4 and 3, Di Mario Gil, the lilies, however, have won the derby with Rare Nantes Florentia Florence 14-8 with hat-trick Casanova. The Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova Bologna engages the RN - defeat at Syracuse dall'Ortigia 18-4 - al secondo posto battendo la matricola Linea Mediterranea Imperia 16-9. Nella tre due partite in programma Diavolina Nervi-Roma Pallanuoto 8-7 e Rapallo Nuoto-Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 9-8. Seguono i tabellini delle partite della sesta giornata del Campionato di pallanuoto femminile di serie A1 e la classifica:

Diavolina Nervi-Roma Pallanuoto 8-7
Diavolina Nervi: Lo Preti, Settonce 1, Zizzo 1, Marcialis 2, Gallone, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi 1, Rulon 2, Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci. All. Marsili.
Roma Pallanuoto: Sabatini, Radicchi 2, Brini, Abbate 1, Giovannangeli 1, Kraus 1, Tenchini 2, Tortora, Fabbri, Verde, Sacco, Angiulli, Bonelli. All. Mancini.
Arbitro: Bacis.
Note: parziali 3-2, 2-1, 2-1, 1-3. Nessuna uscita per limite di falli. Espulsa Zizzo (N) per brutalità nel quarto tempo. Superiorità numeriche: Diavolina Nervi 2/5, Roma Pallanuoto 3/7. Spettatori 100 circa.

Rem Ortigia-RN Bologna 18-4
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone 1, Starace, Giuliani 1, Aiello 6, Dursi 1, Ciampichetti, Gottardi, Pelle 3 (1 rig.), Ayale 1, Comitini, Begin 5. Herds Leone.
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lens, Raymond, Parma, Recovery, Stortoni, Dal Fiume 3 (1 rig.) Reviglio, Oriandi 1, Vasil'eva, Tegg. Herds posterity.
Referee: Round
Note: partial 5-0, 3-2, 5-2, 5-0. Outputs to limit fouls Gottardi (O) and Oriandi (B) in the third period, Reviglio (B) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Rem Ortigia 4 / 9, Bologna RN 1 / 7. Gay (O) Vasil'eva has saved a penalty in the first half 2-0 up. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Prospero Dante Siracusa Ortigia
Siracusa - Ortigia Rem Anger overwhelms the Bologna and the result of 18 to 4 back to success after the last two defeats in Padova and Catania. The Syracusan appear from the outset focused and determined. The first goal came after just 20 seconds with Rosario Aiello, in front of an audience of exception, Roberto smell of flowers in National, will be the best at the end of the day with 6 goals. The Rem Ortigia concedes nothing, a completely different team than the one without a soul having just three days ago. Bologna, the third force in the league, looks stunned and confused under the pounding of the hosts. In water is the best spirit of this review Ortigia: il gruppo che gioca dimenticando individualità e personalismi. Le ospiti segnano il primo gol soltanto a metà del secondo tempo quando già il risultato pendeva a favore delle bianco verdi per 8 a 0. Il sette di Leone si concede poche pause e, concedendo spazio anche alle giovanissime Ciampichetti e Comitini, chiude la settimana terribile con il sorriso sulle labbra. 

Commento Gino Leone (all. Ortigia): Brucia ancora la sconfitta di mercoledì ma, dopo la vittoria di oggi, posso dire che siamo sulla via della guarigione. Le ragazze hanno reagito bene e contro Bologna abbiamo dimostrato che non siamo quelle viste a Catania. Spero che oggi sia arrivata la svolta per our league.

Remarks Stephen Poster (Appendix Bologna): I was expecting a power outage and after four consecutive wins against Ortigia we can be. Surely I was not expecting a defeat of these dimensions. We have absolutely the wrong approach to the game and we were never able to play as we know.

Rapallo Swimming Waterpolo Fontalba-Messina 9-8
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, 3 Azevedo, Bacigalupo, Dalorto, Queirolo 1, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 2, De Benigno 1, Branchi, 2 Bianconi, Maggi, Carlini. All. Sinatra.
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Murè, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio 1, Malato 2, D'Agata 1, Virzì, Rambaldi, Vitale, Castagna, Toth 3 (1 rig.). All. Misiti.
Arbitro: Collantoni.
Note: parziali 2-0, 3-2, 3-5, 1-1. Uscite per limite di falli De Benigno (R) e Virzì (M) nel terzo tempo, Azevedo (R) nel quarto. Superiorità numeriche: Rapallo Nuoto 3/7, Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 2/9. Ricciardi (M) ha parato un rigore ad Azevedo nel terzo tempo sull'8-6 e a Queirolo nel quarto tempo sul 9-8.

Le peloritane give 9-8 in Rapallo. As has happened in other occasions Toth and companions have been two goals before reacting, but at a distance were forced to surrender, albeit narrowly. Among the best Giusy Malato, enthralling true team, and goalkeeper Joseph Sparacio Grazia Ricciardi. The
Fontalba suffers in Rapallo (9-8) its third consecutive defeat after a closely fought game in which Messina have always pursued. As has happened in other occasions, in fact, the team suffered two networks peloritana first to react, but the distance had to give up, although by a narrow margin. The best of Fontalba were Giusy Malato, enthralling true team, and goalkeeper Joseph Sparacio Grace Ricciardi, starred in some fine work (among other things, he saved two penalties and beaten by Azevedo Queirolo). And in the next round impossible task against Fiorentina, including the battleships of the tournament.

Yamamay Varese Olona-Geymonat Horizon Catania 8-19
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 2, Pedrelli, Monica Zanchi, Francesca Bosco, Manuela Zanchi, Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest , Perego, Rosini, one Mendoza, Favini, Motta 4. Herds Zanchi.
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 1, Garibotti, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 4 (1 rig.) Bosurgi 5, Bosello, Ragusa 3, Gil 3, Musumeci 2, Vetter 1, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi.
Referee: Severo.
Note: partial 1-6, 1-3, 5-6, 1-4. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Yamamay Varese Olona 1 / 4, Geymonat Horizon Catania 3 / 5. Mancini (V) has saved a penalty of Mario in the third period. About 300 spectators.

Horizon Catania beats Yamamay Varese with the pace of the big shows and all of its value in attack and defense. But Varese disagreed with character and good will, ending the match head held high even if the sentence score (1-6, 1-3, 5-6, 1-4). E 'was however, an important test in preparation for next Saturday's trip to Bologna Rare against Nantes. Training and goal: Mancini, Valkai 2, Peverelli, Monica Zanchi, Francesca Bosco, Manuela Zanchi, Fantasia 1, Carolina Forest, Perego, Rosini, one Mendoza, Favini, Motta 4.

Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova-Line Mediterranean Imperia 16-9
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, 3 Pavan, Ilaria 1 Savioli, Santinello, Martina Savioli, 2 poodles, 1 Gibellini , Dario, Rocco 4 (1 rig.) Kutuzova 3, Barbazza 1, 1 Barzon, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Giulia Gorlero, Belmonte, a Risivi, Gloria Gorlero, Borriello 1 Emmolo 3 (2 rig.), Dalla Valle, a Russian, Drive, Bencardino 2 Drocco, May, Legorini 1. Herds Shack.
Referee: De Cesare.
Note: partial 4-1, 5-1, 3-3, 4-4. Output for the limit of fouls Risivi (I) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova 7 / 12, Imperia Linea Mediterranea 3 / 7. Kutuzova (P) hit the post with a penalty in the second half on 4-1. About 250 spectators.

Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti-RN Florentia 14-8
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotto: Gigli Biancardi 2 (1 rig.) Lavorini 2, 1 Colaiocco Mila De Magistris, Casanova 3, Dravucz 1 (pen), Masi 2, Bucelli, Cooked 1, Beans, Frassinetti 2 (1 rig.) Chiti. Herds Gianni De Magistris.
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini, Masip 1, 4 Canetti, Scarselli, Ceccarelli, March 2, Sorbi, Travelli, Lucia Giannetti 1, Baffin Island, lie. Herds Ferri.
Referee: Pascucci.
Note: partial 2-2, 2-1, 3-3, 7-2. No output to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti 1 / 6, RN Florentia 2 / 7. Gigli (W) has saved a penalty Masip in the first half 0-0. Spectators About 200

Press Florentine wp

FLORENCE - It 's been a good show for the derby between Florence and Rare Waterpolo Nantes. The two teams have created a thrilling match, which remained in balance until the last quarter. Before the match, in the pool 'Nannini' was also held an awards ceremony in which awards were presented to participants of the Beijing Olympics last: Gigli, Casanova, Frassinetti, Dravucz, Stieber and petticoats. An award was also given to two athletes Bartolini and lying, the latter on loan from the Rare Waterpolo, won the gold at the European Youth. After the ceremony, the two teams in the tank started to get serious. After 40''was to have Masip Cancava to take the lead thanks to a rare penalty, but Gigli has rejected the conclusion on the pole. To take the lead, however, were the girls of De Magistris, without, however, never able to get one important part. The excellent performance of the Rare Nantes, in fact, has kept the outcome in balance until the third quarter. Then, the last village, girls Waterpolo have accelerated the final, closing the debate on the 14-8. Of note, esrodio also the second ever Serie A goalkeeper Waterpolo Judith Chiti. "It 's been a good show - said Gianni De Magistris - and I believe that the many spectators have fun. The two teams will train together, so we were well aware, this has meant that the outcome remained in balance until the very last time. Then - concluded the coach - the last village we have increased the pace, playing a good water polo and inflicting a great part that made the difference. "

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Water Polo: Women's A1. Scores of the 5th day

C ampionato A1 series for women. Fifth day. The scores of the matches.

WP Fontalba Messina-Roma PN 12-17
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio 2 (1 rig. ), Sick, D'Agata 2, 1 Virzi, Rambaldi, Vitale, Castagna, Toth 6 (3 rig.). Herds Misiti
Rome Water Polo: Sabatini, Radicchi 4, 1 Menchini, Brini, Abbate 2, Giovannangeli, Kraus 4 (1 rig.) Tortora 2, Angiulli, Sacco, Fabbri 2, Green 2, Bonelli. Herds Mancini

Referee: Alfi
Note: partial 4-6, 2-5, 2-2, 4-4. Outputs to limit fouls Muresan, Sparacio and Rambaldi (M) in the fourth time; Radicchi (R) in the third and Abbate (R) in the fourth time. In the third time Sick (M) has missed a penalty (saved by Sabatini). Numerical superiority: Messina 3 / 5 + 5 penalties and Rome 4 / 7 + 1 penalty. Attendance 200.

Yamamay Varese Olona-Rapallo Swimming 11-9
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 2, Pedrelli, Monica Zanchi, F. Bosco, Manuela Zanchi 1, Fantasia 1, C. Woods, Repetto, Rosini, one Mendoza, Favini 1, Motta 5. Herds Zanchi
Rapallo Nuoto: Stasi, Azevedo 2, Bacigalupo, Dalorto 2 (1 rig.), Queirolo 1, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo 1, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 2, Maggi 1, Carlini. All. Sinatra

Arbitro: Vitiello
Note: parziali 2-4, 4-2, 3-0, 2-3. Uscite per limite di falli Bianconi (R) nel secondo e Queirolo (R) nel quarto tempo. Due rigori falliti: da Valkai (V) nel primo tempo (parato da Stasi) e da Bianconi (R) nel secondo tempo (palla sfuggita di mano). Superiorità numeriche: Varese 3/10 + 1 rigore e Rapallo 1/3 + 2 rigori. Spattatori 200.

Linea Mediterranea Imperia-Diavolina Nervi 10-12
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Giulia Gorlero, Amoretti, Risivi 1, Gloria Gorlero 1, Borriello, Emmolo 4, Grocco, Russian, Solaimi, Bencardino 2 , Legorini, May, Related Areas 2. Herds Shack
Diavolina Nerve: The Priests, Cadirola, settonce "pattern 1, 1 Zizzo, Marcialis 2, 4 Gallon, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà 1, Vivaldi 1, Rulon 1, Zamorani, Mina 1, Maci. Herds Marsili

Referee: Rovida
Note: partial 4-4, 1-3, 5-3, 0-2. Expelled protests for the fourth time the tour Imperia Parodi. Outputs to limit fouls Zizzo (N) in the third, settonce "pattern, Rulon and Zamorani (N) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Imperia 7 / 17 and Nervi 4 / 11 + 2 penalties both failed, by the third Marcialis (saved from Gorlero) and Gal in the fourth time (pole). Attendance 600.

Fiorentina Giotti WP-Star Beauty Plebiscito 11-7
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 1 (pen), work 2, Colaiocco, De Magistris, Casanova 2, Dravucz 2, Masi, Bucelli, Cooked 1, Beans 1, 2 Frassinetti, Chiti. Herds De Magistris
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teani, Pavan 3, I. Savioli, M. Savioli, Barboni, Gibellini, Dario, Rocco 1, Kutuzova 2 (1 rig.), Barbazza, Barzon 1, Giora. All. Sellaroli

Arbitro: D. De Meo
Note: parziali 2-0, 2-0, 3-5, 4-2. Uscite per limite di falli Cotti e Frassinetti (F) nel quarto tempo. Nel quarto tempo Gigli (F) ha parato un rigore a Pavan (P). Espulso per proteste a 20" dalla fine l'allenatore della Fiorentina De Magistris. Superiorità umeriche: Fiorentina 4/7 + 1 rigore e Padova 2/12 + 2 rigori. Spettatori 150.

RN Bologna-RN Florentia 14-13
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lensi, Raimondo 1, Parma, Rovere 1, Recupero 2, Stortoni 2, Dal Fiume 1, Calabrese, Reviglio, Oriandi 2, Vasil'eva 5 (3 rig.), Taggi. All. Posterivo
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini 3, Masip 4 (2 rig.), Canetti 3, Ceccarelli, Marzi, Sorbi, Travelli, L. Giannetti 2, Baffini, F. Giannetti, Giachi 1. All. Ferri

Arbitro: D. Bianco
Note: parziali 3-3, 3-2, 3-3, 5-5. Uscite per limite di falli Reviglio (B) e Ceccarelli e Travelli (F) the fourth time. Superirotià numerical Bologna 5 / 11 + 3 penalties and Florentia 2 / 6 + 2 penalties. Attendance 100.

Geymonat Horizon Catania-Rem Ortigia 15-7
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 4, Garibotti 1 (pen), Tagliaferri, Di Mario 3 (1 rig.) , Bosurgi 2, Bosello, Ragusa 2, Gil 3, Musumeci, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Formiconi
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone, Starace 1, Giuliani, Aiello 1, Durst, Ciampichetti, Gottardi, Brown 3 (2 rig.) Ayala 1, Begin 1. Herds Leone

Referee: Pascal
Note: partial 4-1, 6-1, 4-1, 1-4. Nothing came out to limit fouls. Numerical superiority: Horizon 5 / 6 + 2 penalties and Ortigia 3 / 4 + 2 penalties. Attendance 100.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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January 11 start of the championship women

The first day on January 11. Playoff and playout from 31 May. Twenty teams divided into two groups at the start. Two four promotions and demotions. The program

ROME - It 's been called the timing of the next championship women's water polo A2 series which will begin Sunday, January 11, 2009. At times 20 teams divided into 2 groups of 10. A1 and two promotions in four relegation in B.
Following the resignation of Velletri was fished out of the Osimo Swimming. The regular season will end May 24. The top three teams of each group will participate in the playoffs, will play the eighth and ninth the last two recede and playout directly to Serie B. The playoff semi-finals will be played May 31, 7:14 June (2N-3N and 2S-3S) and the final promotion between the first and winning the semi-finals on 21 and 28 June and 5 July. The final salvation will be played May 31, 7:14 June (9N-8N and 8S-9S). You always play to the best of two wins out of three.


1st DAY - January 11, 2009

Swimming Tolentino-Mestrina
Florence Swimming Waterpolo-US Locatelli
Osimo Swimming-Swimming Prato
Promogest Cagliari-RN Bogliasco
Water Polo Water Polo Trieste-Livorno


1st DAY - January 11, 2009

Coser Poseidon Swimming-Catania
Serapo Sports Racing SCN Gaeta-Rome-Palermo
Athlon 90 Swimming Vesuvius
Castelli Romani-Pol GIFA Palermo
Guinness Waterpolo-Volturno SC

Nord Pool Calendar
Calendar Round South

Saturday, November 8, 2008

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a2 ^ 4 Day Championship

After the fourth league continues le sorprese. Roma e Varese fanalini di coda, mentre nelle zone alte si confermano Florentia e Bologna.

Questi i risultati :

Diavolina Nervi-Yamamay Varese Olona 17-11
Linea Mediterranea Imperia-RN Bologna 6-12
RN Florentia-Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 11-8
Roma Pallanuoto-Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti 6-14
Rapallo Nuoto-Geymonat Orizzonte Catania 3-18
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova-Rem Ortigia 11-10

La classifica :

Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti 12
Geymonat Orizzonte Catania 12
Beauty Star Plebisicito Padova 9
Rari Nantes Bologna 9
Rari Nantes Florentia 7
Rem Ortigia 7
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina 4
Diavolina Sportiva Nervi 3
Linea Mediterranea Imperia 3
Rapallo Nuoto 3
Varese Olona Nuoto Yamamay 1
Roma Pallanuoto 0

Friday, November 7, 2008

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Wp meets AS Roma Fiorentina

Dall’alto dei nove punti conquistati nelle prime tre partite della stagione, le ragazze Fiorentina Waterpolo are ready to face the fourth day of the championship that will involve the pool of the Water Polo Rome, still stuck at zero in the standings. Dravucz and companions will attempt to keep the media in the races held so far away from Florence who has seen them win two victories in as many races. With that which will be held Saturday at 15 in Rome, in fact, three games will be played away from the girls by Gianni De Magistris in these first four days. "We're going to Rome with the full team - said the coach Florentine De Magistris - where we will continue our streak of victories to retain the championship lead. We know that Rome Water Polo è una squadra che si è rinnovata molto e sta faticando un po’ in questo avvio di stagione, ma noi dovremo giocare con la massima concentrazione. Soprattutto – ha concluso il coach – non dovremo fare l’errore di sottovalutare la squadra capitolina, perché potrebbe essere pericoloso”.

Francesco Montelatici
Ufficio Stampa Fiorentina Waterpolo

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Rarigirl The host Messina, Ferri, "an important and difficult"

“Una partita importante e difficile”. La definizione è di Furio Ferri alla vigilia del match casalingo delle Rarigirl di domani a Bellariva (ore 14) contro la Fontalba Messina. “Importante - Explains Ferri - because after the good performance of Varese, we try to make full result at home. Messina is difficult because a good team that has done some interesting results and has the players that can solve the game at any time. "
"The victory of Varese - concludes the technical white and red - has given us an injection of confidence that made us work hard during the week. Even the physical problems of some girls have been exceeded, so I'm curious to see the team work in this match, followed by the equally important in Bologna on Wednesday. At the end of this dual commitment we understand what our potential and our ambitions. "

How Long For Va Appraisal

The Ortigia is preparing to face a plebiscite Padova

Syracuse, Nov. 7 '08 - Fourth day and the first direct clash for Rem Ortigia Syracuse tomorrow, starting at 15.30, down in the pool of Padova to face a plebiscite. Third in the standings, the Syracuse trying to hold the line against the fourth-class veterans of the heavy defeat of Catania.

At Home Rem Ortigia has worked in view of the dual commitment that, in addition to the match tomorrow, provides for the week next Wednesday in the den Horizon. The white against the green already showed clear Rome signs of growth and program Gino Leone continues without major hitches.

"We are approaching the ideal shape for the championship match to face the most challenging - provides the technical Syracuse - The team, after the first smear, reacted well and greatly comforted by this. Tomorrow we will test our strength and our group, at this moment, may be the real trump card.

Padua is important that a team in recent years, there has always fought the best square off in a key play. I am sure that this will come a time beautiful game. "

to follow the duel between the best markers of the two teams. Natalia Kutuzova for Padua and Aniko Pelle for Rem Ortigia travel in pairs, with 9 goals each, in the special list of achievements. Strong curiosity is also of the return of former Rosario Aiello came to Padua for this year at the court of Gino Leona.

Catania The player has already shown great feeling with her companions and good preparation for sacrifice. "It can only grow - ensures Leone - Rosa has already integrated and likes playing. For us it is a fixed point more that will be useful in this long season. "

Today day classic finish. The departure for Padua is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Referee of the match the Ligurian Brazilian Fabio.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

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Third day of A1 female

3 / A Day - Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yamamay Varese Olona - RN Florentia 6-8
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 1, Baruffato, Perego, F. Woods, Zanchi 1, Fantasia, C. Woods, Repetto, Mendoza 2, Favini, Motta 2. Herds Zanchi.
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini, Masip, Canetti 2, Scarselli, Ceccarelli 1, March, Sorbi, Travelli, L. Giannetti 1, F. Giannetti 1, Giachi 3. Herds Ferri.

Referee Fassino
Note: partial 1-0, 2-3, 2-3, 1-2. Numerical superiority: Varese seventh + Valkai a missed penalty from in the first half (saved by Perri) and Florent 1 / 7. Output for the limit of fouls Masip (F) in the fourth time. 400 viewers

Imprevista battuta d'arresto per la Yamamay fermata in casa da una Florentia ben diretta dalla ex di turno, l'italo argentina Cora Masip. Nessun dramma negli spogliatoi ma sicuramente una sconfitta che richiederà una serena riflessione per risalire in classifica. La partita sembra iniziare sotto una buona stella dato che dopo solo 60 secondi capitan Mendozza apre le marcature con una precisa colomba dalla sinistra che beffa il portiere gigliato. Ma l'incontro non decolla e continua sul binario dell'equilibrio con un altalenarsi di vantaggi e parità fino alla fine dell'ultimo quarto: vanno a segno Motta due volte, Valkaj e Zanchi. E' ancora Mendozza, con un'irresistibile controfuga, ad impattare sul 6 a 6. Ma è l' ultima parità in quanto una serie di ingenuità in attacco e in difesa fanno pendere la bilancia a favore della Rn Florentia che, meritatamente, porta a casa 3 punti pesantissimi per la classifica.

di Paolo Pepino (La Nazione)

DALLE STALLE alle stelle. A otto giorni dalla sconcertante prova interna col Rapallo, le Rarigirl trovano il riscatto nella difficile vasca di Varese. Una prestazione magistrale ed una vittoria pesantissima, la prima di questo campionato, per le stravaganti biancorosse che quest’anno riescono a dare il meglio di sé in trasferta. Di certo, si tratta del successo più Furio Ferri important since, and are already three years old, is head of RN Florentia "And 'was a very balanced game and fought - says he is satisfied the coach - Varese we and we played better behind, but the Our trump card was to play with order and humility. I would like to praise the team as a whole: by Claudia Perry who was gassed by blocking a penalty to Valkay to Giulia Bartolini ever living anywhere in the field, Lucia Giannetti who wanted to play, score a goal, despite the accident, Gloria Giachi who signed a one-two as Marina Canetti. Of course, that it was not easy because the security goals came in the last Varese seconds after he had failed a great opportunity. Now, here is to confirm the performance next Saturday at Bellariva when we will visit Messina .

RN Bologna - Rapallo Swimming 12-7
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lenzi, Raimondi 1, Parma 1, 1 Oak, Recovery, Stortoni, Dal River 2, Peggi, Reviglio, Oriandi 1, Vasily 6, Gambardella. Herds posterity.
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, 2 Azevedo, Bacigalupo, Dalorto, Queirolo 2, 1 Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi, May 2, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.

Referee: Naples
Note: partial 5-1, 3-2, 1-1, 3-3. Numerical superiority: Bologna 2 / 7 and Rapallo 5 / 8 + 2 penalties both wallpaper from August: for the second time and Azevedo Queirolo the fourth time. Nothing came out to limit fouls. 100 viewers

Fiorentina Giotti WP - Diavolina Nervi 13-7
Fiorentina Giotti WP: Gigli Biancardi 2 (1) rig., Lavorini 2, Colaiocco 2, De Magistris, Casanova 1, Dravucz (1) rig., Masi, Bucelli, Cooked 1, Beans 1, Frassinetti 3,Chiti. All. De Magistris.
Diavolina Nervi: Lo Preti,Settonce,Zizzo,Marcialis,Gallone 1,Bruccoleri,Lasialandà,Vivaldi,Rulon 3,Zamorani 1, Minà 2,Maci. All.Marsili. Arbitro: Alessia Ferri di Roma. Note: Uscita per limite di falli Settonce al 3' del quarto tempo. Spettatori 300 circa.

Press Fiorentina Wp

FLORENCE - Third consecutive win for Fiorentina Waterpolo girls who manage to overcome the Diavolina Nervi to 13-7 despite not been able to repeat the good performance of Varese in terms of the game. After the first two partial periods ending 3-1 and 3-2, the girls Wateropolo took off thanks to a third village much better, finishing 5-1 with the partial the Frassinetti protagonist, the last quarter, however, was all for Nervi, that if it is sold for 2-3. "We played a game slightly subdued - De Magistris coach said after the meeting - probably due to the hard work loads that were submitted during the week the girls and also to the good performance of nerves that is well behaved in the tank. "

Geymonat Horizon Catania - Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova 11-2

Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 2, Garibotti 2, Tagliaferri, Di Mario 2, Bosurgi, Bosello 1, Ragusa 2, Gil 2, Musumeci, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Musumeci.
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teani, I. Savioli, Santinelli, M. 2 Savioli, Barboni, Gibellini, Rocco, Kutuzova, Barbazza, Barzon, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.
Referee: Paoletti
Note: partial 3-0, 0-0, 4-1, 4-1. Numerical superiority Horizon 3 / 4 and Padua 0 / 10. Nothing came out to limit fouls. 100 viewers

Geymonat Horizon Press CT

Larga vittoria della Geymonat Orizzonte che si è imposta per 11-2 contro il Plebiscito Padova. Netta anche la differenza di valori tecnici e tattici in vasca con le catanesi che hanno mostrato una buona solidità e compattezza specie nel reparto difensivo. Le patavine infatti hanno realizzato la prima rete allo scadere del terzo parziale. La gara è iniziata in discesa per la Geymonat grazie alla doppia marcatura di Cinzia Ragusa. Dopo un secondo tempo avaro di emozioni chiusosi sullo 0-0, le rossazzurre hanno spinto con maggiore vigore realizzando otto gol tra il terzo e il quarto tempo. Da segnalare un’ intraprendente Martina Miceli che ha realizzato due gol molto spettacolari. The Padua rather than suffered from the absence in a pool of strong Francesca Pavan, former Horizon. "We gave little to the guests -center says Catania Blanca Gil-boa although at times we were very determined. However, we are being run in and then some amnesia can stay there. " Subs ds Geymonat of Horizon, commented that Peppe La Delfa this resounding home victory: " Overall, the evidence of the girls was positive and the fruits of painstaking work, after a new-found serenity in the group, they are beginning to notice. The path is long but we have already put a good foundation to build una stagione vincente ”.

REM Ortigia - Roma Pallanuoto 12 - 8

Rem Ortigia – Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone 1, Starace 2, Giuliani, Aiello, Dursi 3, Sabatini, Gottardi, Pelle 4 (1 su rigore), Ayale, Comitini, Begin 2. All. Luigi Leone

Roma Pallanuoto – Sabatini, Radicchi 1, Brini, Abbate, Giovannangeli 1, Kraus 3, Tenchini, Tortora 1, Fabbri, Verde 2, Angiulli. Herds Stefano Mancini

Referee: Paul Bensaia (Florence)

Superiority: Rem Ortigia 3 / 7 +1 penalty Rome 3 / 7 +1 penalty
out for three fouls: Gottardi (Rem Ortigia) at 2'09 "the fourth time

Press Office REM Ortigia Siracusa

Syracuse - First home win of the season for Rem Ortigia Syracuse, to Paul Caldwell, 8-12 rule for the Water Polo Rome. The Syracuse show clear signs of growth and, with Aniko Pelle close to optimal levels, bring in cash for the other three good points standings. The opponents still hold good bath, showing, despite the young average age, obvious improvements compared to the first two outings.
The Rem Ortigia starts strong, repeating the exploits of seven days ago in Nervi. With a 7 to 3 after il secondo parziale ed una chiara superiorità in difesa, le siracusane hanno mollato la presa nel terzo tempo consentendo alle laziali di riportarsi sotto e mettere in mostra buone individualità.
Cresce la Pelle e Begin è sempre una conferma. Le bianco verdi, però, mostrano segnali confortanti e questo lascia ben sperare per il prosieguo del campionato. Il brutto esordio sembra dimenticato e, nell’ultimo tempo, c’è spazio anche per le giovanissime. La Gay, subito dopo aver parato un rigore all’ottima Kraus, lascia spazio al secondo Giancristofaro e con lei entrano Sabatini e Comitini.

Commento Gino Leone (all. Ortigia): Buon risultato, partita non entusiasmante. Abbiamo comunque vinto e questa è la cosa più importante. Stiamo crescendo pian piano e stiamo raggiungendo la migliore forma. Buona la prova del gruppo: è questo che avevo chiesto e le ragazze hanno mostrato impegno e determinazione. Pochi gli errori.

Commento Stefano Mancini (all. Roma): Risultato giusto, arrivato contro una buona squadra. Ho una squadra giovane e bisogna aspettare. Ho notato comunque maggiore reattività delle nostre in central defense, even if we pay something up front. But I am confident, we can only grow.

WP Fontalba Messina - Line meditteranea Imperia 8-5

Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno, Sparacio, Ill. 1 (pen), D'Agata 1, Virzi, Rambaldi, Vitale, Castagna, Toth 5. Herds Misiti.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: Giulia Gorlero, Belmonte, Risivi 1 (pen), Gloria Gorlero, Borriello 1 Emmolo 1 (pen), Amoretti, Russian, Drocco, Bencardino 2 Legorini, May and Related Areas. Herds Shack.

Referee: Severo
Note: partial 2-2, 2-1, 3-1, 1-1. Numerical superiority: Messina 4 / 8 + 2 penalties and Imperia 1 / 5 + 2 penalties. In the third time Toth (M) has missed a penalty (saved from Gorlero). Outputs to limit fouls Russo (I) and Bonanno (M) in the fourth time. 300 viewers

Stefano Micheri

Defeat for Imperia committed against girls in the transfer of Messina Messina Fontalba WP in this third day of the championship series A1.
hard fought game for girls to Mr. Hut, the Imperia jokes were getting a draw in the first and last time, succumbing to the opponent in the quarter in between.