Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Alexis Texas With Black

Tabellini and Comments on the second day

First of all, we apologize to our readers for the delay in the inclusion of news, but to work problems of staff members we were not able to include the result.
It is quite rare that an event does not recur in the future.

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Diavolina Nerve-Rem Ortigia 8-13

Diavolina Nerve: The Priests, Cadirola, settonce "pattern 1, Zizzo, Marcialis 1, 2 Gallon, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi 1, Rulon 3 (1 rig.) Zamorani, Mina, Maci. Herds Marsili.
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone, 4 Starace, Giuliani, Aiello 1, 2 Durst, Gottardi 1, Brown 4 (2 rig.) Ayala 1, Begin. Herds Leone.

Referee: Carannante.
Note: partial 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 2-1. Output for the limit of fouls Gottardi (O) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Nerve 2 / 6, Ortigia 2 / 4. Approximately 200 spectators.

PRESS Ortigia Syracuse

Syracuse, Oct. 25 '08 - Arrival in Nervi's first victory of the season for Rem Ortigia Syracuse wins the Diavolina for 13 to 8. The seven white green, closed the half slip debut against Florentia, presented Stadium Albaro with different frown, so as to close the second set with 6 goals difference (3-9). Good substantially proof of Syracuse which with quadruples of Starace and Skin (2 on penalties) and good contribution to the center of Durst and Aiello, have managed to keep the ball in the game. The expected reaction by the technician there was Gino Leone, as well as important was the contribution of the individual. Individuality important, combined with greater experience, have made clear the difference against a seven, the Ligurian, which has aroused a good impression.
" I have seen the character of this team - said hot Gino Leone - We all knew that the island is not the sight was a week ago. We still need to grow and we know that the important commitments we will definitely see more focused and concentrated. Today, however, we responded and it comforts me. All the girls have played with and have given little attention to the opponent .

Line Med-Imperia Geymonat Horizon Catania 5-14
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: G. Gorlero, Amoretti, Risivi 1, E. Gorlero, Borriello, a Emmolo, Dalla Valle, a Russian, Drive, Bencardino 2 Drocco, May and Related Areas. Herds Shack.
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli, Garibotti 1 (pen), Tagliaferri 1, Di Mario 1 (pen), Bosurgi 3, 2 Bosello, Ragusa, Gil 4 (1 rig.) Musumeci 2, Vetter, Maugeri, Messina. Herds Musumeci.

Referee: L. White.
Note: partial 1-6, 2-3, 1-2, 1-3. Outputs to limit fouls: Related Areas (I) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Imperia 3 / 9, Horizon 6 / 13 +4 rig. (1 failed for the fourth time by Di Mario - pole). Attendance 400.

by carlo alessi sanremonews.it
europeee and Italian champions, Olympic champions, most of players in the 'Setterosa' It was too much for the quality, the heart and the determination of rare Mediterranean Carige Line Nantes Imperia, the second day of the championship of A1, Horizons against Catania.

Training Etna has virtually won the game in the very first time. A 'one-two' sharp, then the goals of the Giallorossi 3-1 and that paved the way to a 6-1 after the first fraction, which left no history. They then fought the girls hut, stubbornly and supported by a large audience, about 400 spectators, who deserves the A1, even at the presence of the Sports, Marco Scajola.

the Imperia In the other three times they tried to withstand the impact of champions Sicilian ma non c'è stato nulla da fare. Non sono certo queste le partite dove fare punti per Emmolo e compagne che, sabato prossimo, saranno impegnate a Messina.

RN Bologna-WP Fontalba Messina 13-10
RN Bologna: Agosta, Lenzi, Raimondo 1, Parma, Rovere, Recupero, Stortoni, Dal Fiume 3, Peggi, Reviglio 2, Oriandi 2, Vasilyeva 5 (1 rig.), Gambardella. All. Posterivo.
Waterpolo Fontalba Messina: Ricciardi, Acampora 1, Murè, Arena, Bonanno 3, Sparacio, Malato 1 (rig.), D'Agata 1, Virzì 1, Rambaldi 1, Vitale 1, Castagna, Toth 1 (rig.). All. Misiti.

Arbitro: Brasiliano
Note: parziali 4-2, 1-4, 4-1, 4-3. Uscite per limite di falli: nessuna. Superiorità numeriche: Bologna 3/5 +2 rig. (1 fallito da Vasilyeva nel terzo tempo), Messina 3/9 +2 rig.. Spettatori 150 circa.

RN Florentia-Rapallo Nuoto 8-14
RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini, Masip 2, Canetti 1, Scarselli, Ceccarelli 1, Marzi, Sorbi 1, Travelli 1, L. Giannetti, Baffini, F. Giannetti 2, Giachi. All. Ferri.
Rapallo Nuoto: Stasi, Azevedo 4 (1 rig.) Bacigalupo, Dalorto 2, Queirolo, Cordaro 1, D'Amico 1, Criscuolo, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 3 (1 rig.), May 3, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.

Referee: round.
Note: partial 1-3, 1-4, 3-4, 3-3. Outputs to limit fouls: Sorbi, F. Giannetti (F) and Queirolo (R) for the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Florentia eighth +1 rig. failed (in the third period Canetti - saved by Stasi), Rapallo 2 / 8 +2 rig .. Approximately 100 spectators.

by fisport.it
RARIGIRL KO was expected and instead exploit the was a flop. The best of Sicily proved to be a boomerang for the RN Florentia Strapazzata from Rapallo took advantage of the mistakes of Florence. Male superiority in the (eighth), by adding a penalty failed to Canetti, the Rarigirl found no better than to throw himself forward to head down to end up stuck on the counterattack. Just a serataccia for red and white that they did go on a rampage coach Ferri. It means that the team had been strengthened by grafts of gas fields and Travelli. At discharge, a bit of bad luck for the many woods and injury to Lucia Giannetti.

Rome Beauty-Star Water Polo Plebiscite Padova 4-10
Rome Water Polo: Sabatini, Radicchi 1, Brini, Abbate, Giovannangeli Kraus Tenchini, Tortora, Fabbri 3, Green, Sacco, Angiulli, Bonelli. Herds Mancini.
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teani, I. Savioli, Santinelli, M. 1 Savioli, Barboni, Gibellini 2, Dario, Rocco 1, 4 Kutuzova, Barbazza, Barzon 2, Giora. Herds Sellaroli.

Referee: De Chiara.
Note: partial 1-2, 1-3, 0-1, 2-4. Output for the limit of fouls Abbate (R) in the fourth time. Numerical superiority: Roma 0 / 5, Padova 3 / 10. Spectators 400.

Yamamay Varese Olona-Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti 7-13
Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 1, Baruffato, Perego, F. Woods, Zanchi, Fantasy 2, C. Woods, Repetto, Esposito, one Mendoza, Favini 1, Motta 2. Herds Zanchi.
Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 3 (1 rig.) Lavorini, Colaiocco 1, De Magistris, Casanova 1, Dravucz 6 (1 rig.) Masi 1, Cotti, Beans, Frassinetti 1 (pen. ), Chiti. Herds De Magistris.

Referee: Saeli.
Note: partial 1-5, 1-4, 3-1, 2-3. Output for the limit of fouls Fantasia (V) in the fourth time. Gigli (F) has saved a penalty in the first half Zanchi. Numerical superiority: Varese 1 / 7, Fiorentina 1 / 4. About 250 spectators.

by fisport.it
a whirlwind, the FiorentinaWP Giotti also goes to Varese. Now unleashed, with Rita Dravucz magical evening in the Florentine author of six goals closed the first quarter cover 1-5. Only after a 2-9 half time the girls De Magistris loosen its grip but still in the show. Casanova applauded and triplet dela Biancardi. At the second giornata, le gigliate sono già in fuga a punteggio pieno assieme ad Orizzonte e Padova.


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