Sunday, October 19, 2008

Agitator Diego Rivera

Tabellini and Comments on the first day

Roma Pallanuoto-Linea Mediterranea Imperia 10-11
Roma Pallanuoto: Sabatini, Radicchi, Brini, Abbate 2, Giovannangeli, Kraus 5 (1 rig.), Tenchini, Tortora, Fabbri 3, Verde, Sacco, Angiulli, Bonelli. All. Mancini.
Linea Mediterranea Imperia: G. Gorlero, Belmonte, Rioni 1, E. Gorlero, Borriello, Emmolo 7, Dalla Valle, Russo, Guidi, Bencardino 1, Legorini, Marzio, Ralat 2. All. Capanna.
Referee: Zappatore.

Note: partial 4-3, 1-4, 1-3, 4-1. Outputs to limit fouls Radicchi (R) and Related Areas (I) in the third period. Sabatini (R) has saved two penalties in Emmolo the fourth time.
numerical superiority Rome 3 / 13, Imperia 6 / 10. Approximately 600 spectators.


extraordinary debut for the girls of Rare Nantes Mediterranean Line of Imperia, this afternoon, they defeated in the transfer Water Polo Rome, Len, and holder of the Cup at the start of torneo con ottimi auspici. Tre tempi quasi perfetti delle ragazze imperiesi che, solo nell’ultima frazione hanno rischiato qualcosina, pagan do un po’ l’emozione e l’inesperienza nella massima categoria. Finisce 11-10 per la Rari ed è grande festa per Gorlero e compagne. Emozionato ma felicissimo per l’andamento della gara il mister, Marco Capanna : “S ono davvero felice per il lavoro che è stato fatto e per il sacrificio espresso in questi mesi dalle ragazze, che hanno creato un grande gruppo. La vittoria di oggi ci da una grande iniziazione di fiducia per il futuro. Abbiamo giocato tre tempi perfetti, ma nel quarto è venuta out nos between inexperience. I am happy because, overall the race was really good. The group is strong and there " next Saturday's debut in the pool A1 'Cascione' where, at 14, will fall in the bathtub Horizons Catania, Italian and European champion. " E 'was a great performance - end Hut - m to stay focused on the objective that we are always saved. A goal that we have to take home with her nails and teeth, maybe the final day of play-out " .

Geymonat Horizon Catania-Bologna RN 19-9
Geymonat Horizon Catania: Brancati Miceli 2, Garibotti 2 (1 rig.) Tagliaferri, Di Mario 3 (1 rig.) Bosurgi 2, Bosello 1, Ragusa, Gil 6, Musumeci 2, Vetter, Maugeri 1, Messina. Herds Musumeci.

RN Bologna: Costa, Mariotti, Lenzi, Parma 2, Oak, Recovery, Stortoni, Dal Fiume 2, Calabrese, Reviglio, Oriandi 1, Vasil'eva 1 (pen). Encl rear
Referee: Fassino.

Note: partial 4-4, 4-1, 7-2, 4-2. No output to limit fouls. Vasil'eva (B) has drawn a penalty on the pole in the third period.
numerical superiority: Horizon 3 / 9, Bologna 1 / 5. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Geymonat Horizon Catania (Geymonat Horizon Catania)

easily wins the first game championship, the Geymonat Horizon Catania. Nesima of plant, the water polo rossazzurre they beat Bologna with a net score of 19-9. Horizon slow start that ended the first part s ul 4-4. Subsequently, however, the most high tech co showed all of Catania and the meeting did not have more history ended in glory for the Horizon who made debut in the fourth set the young Giulia Messina goal. " positive start in the forecast as -Silvia says Bosurgi , captain of Geymonat- abbiamocommesso but maybe some mistakes in defense and giving space to the Bologna goals .

Rem Ortigia-RN Florentia 6-6
Rem Ortigia: Gay, Giancristofaro, Cassone, Starace 1, Giuliani, Aiello 2 (1 rig.) Durst, Cianpichetti, Gottardi, Skin 1, Ayala, Comis, Begin 2. Herds Leone.

RN Florentia: Perri, Bartolini, Masip 1, 2 Canetti, Castles, Ceccarelli 1, March 1, Sordi, L. Giannetti 1, Baffin, F. Giannetti. Herds Ferri.

Referee: Bacis.
Note: partial 0-2, 2-0, 4-2, 0-2. No output to limit fouls. Skin (O) hit the post with a penalty in the fourth time at 6-5.
Superiority Numeric: Ortigia 0 / 6, Florentia 2 / 4. Approximately 100 spectators.

Press Ortigia Siracusa
(REM Ortigia Siracusa)

Syracuse - Florentia is the expectation on the eve : young, fun and naughty one that, to Paul Caldwell, holding his head in a Rem Ortigia still contracted. Seven Tuscan pulls a deserved draw after an exciting game but not beautiful. The Florentine good start and, armed with a renewed freshness, thanks to the placements Bartolini and Masip, closing at 2 to 0, the first installment. The hosts are struggling but rely on more experienced and are just skin and Begin to balance the fate of the match. On 2 Similarly, in the third period, starting a new game. The white Sicilian green seem to take firmly in hand the destiny of this debut in the league and, with a partial 4 to 0 (two for the debut Aiello) are clearly ahead. Then, the unbelievable happens. The Florentia shortens the distance in less than 45 seconds taking on -2. In the fourth set Ortigia seems tired and suffer more than necessary, the renewed enthusiasm of the guests, with Lucia Giannetti Ceccarelli first and later caught a draw unexpected on the eve. In the midst of a missed penalty by Aniko Pelle who throws the shot against the post from five yards. Comment Gino Leone (Appendix Ortigia): Ben this balance is: will we treasure. I for one do I take responsibility for this bad beginning, punctuated by too many mistakes hopefully due to the voltage of the first game of the season. We will work more on concentration and attention to all phases of our game. Too many and too lightly smudging, which has given at least three goals to the opponent. Comment Furio Ferri (Appendix Florentia) unexpected result obtained against the third force in the league. My team has shown good character, however, and this satisfies me in view of the other games against the direct competition for salvation. I knew it was not an easy game but I think in the end we deserved the point scored.

Fontalba Messina-Waterpolo 14-14 Yamamay Varese Olona
Wtaerpolo Fontalba Messina: Castagna, Acampora, Muresan, Arena, Bonanno 2, Sparacio, Ill. 1, 4 D'Agata, Virzi 1, Rambaldi 1, Vitale, Ricciardi, Toth 5 (1 rig.). Herds Naccari stationary. Misiti

Yamamay Varese Olona: Mancini, Valkai 3 (1 rig.) Perego, F. Woods, Zanchi 3, Fantasia 1, C. Woods, Repetto 2, Mendoza, Favini 1, Motta 4. Herds Zanchi.
Referee: Vitiello.
Note: partial 2-4, 5-3, 6-3, 1-4. Output for the limit of fouls Rambaldi (M) in the fourth time. Mancini (V) has saved a penalty in the fourth Toth time.
numerical superiority: Messina 4 / 6, Varese 2 / 2. Approximately 200 spectators.


The Waterpolo Fontalba Messina lets out the most beautiful debut with a bang in its second year of the A1 series. The team drew Messina, in fact, at home against the fearsome Varese Olona (14-14) after a long foretaste of the important success. At the beginning of the last part, the fourth day of the network of lefty peloritana Simona D'Agata seemed to have closed the accounts, with the landlord as much as 4 lengths ahead (14-10). The proud reaction of Lombardy, and especially the lack of clarity of the girls coached by Francis Misiti have changed to a finale that seemed surprisingly - the most - already written. After marking D'Agata to 6 'and 51 "from the term is, in fact, only to pull Varese. The seven guest has made, so, 4 goals and has come to par with the Valkai to thirty seconds from the siren.'s a shame that the WP Fontalba was nearly perfect for three times and had dealt a blow to the opponents with the talent and experience of the Hungarian Toth Giusy Malato , who scored his return to racing and a pledge of a penalty and four superiority. The presence in the bathtub plurimedagliata center 'has helped, also, the repeated shots from a distance of her companions. On the other hand, has affected the tactical intelligence of the coach-player Manuela Zanchi , skilled in the group to remain calm even when everything appeared to compromise.

Press Varese Olona Swimming
Check out sprint for Varese that goes on 4 to 2 after the first time, and then compromise almost the result with a number of inaccuracies in defense. Early in the fourth time the team can be found and with great heart to recover up to 14 pairs (mode: 2-4 / 5-3 / 6-3 / 1-4).

Start with a positive balance of adventure Yamamay license plate in the difficult field of Sicily: the game is difficult to train Varese, against Messina reinforced by the previous season with the purchase of a buoy Giusy Malato. After four days tiratissimi satisfied with the outcome both teams appeared still in the running.

start strong the Yamamay Varese, with the young Laura Repetto, took the lead (1 0). The first quarter ends on 4 to 2 for Varese. In the meeting went on the first impact on Fontalba Messina 7 to 7 (at the end of the second quarter) then take about 14 to 10 during the last quarter.

And only a BIG TEST of will and heart to spare Mendoza and her companions defeat the first: in fact in the short span of a few minutes with a "SuperMotta" was reached breakeven

Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova-Diavolina Nervi 12-7
Beauty Star Plebiscito Padova: Teana, Pavan 2, I. Savioli, Santinelli, M. Savioli, Barboni, Gibellini 1, Dario, Rocco 3, Kutuzova 5 (1 rig.) Barbazza, Barzon 1, Giora. Herds Sellaroli. Diavolina Nervi: Lopreti, Cettonce, Zizzo, Marcialis, Gallone, Bruccoleri, Lascialandà, Vivaldi, Rulon 6 (2 rig.) Zamorani, Mina 1, May. Herds Marsili. Referee: Naples. Note: partial 4-1, 2-3, 3-2, 3-1. Output for the limit of fouls Zamorani (N) in the first half. Lopreti (N) has saved a penalty in the second half Kutuzova. Numerical superiority: Padova 5 / 6, Nervi 1 / 6. Attendance about 350.

Rapallo-Fiorentina Waterpolo Swimming Giotti 5-13
Rapallo Swimming: Stasi, a Azevedo, Bacigalupo, Dalorto 1, 2 Queirolo, Cordaro, D'Amico, Criscuolo, De Benigno, Branchi, Bianconi 1 (pen), Maggi, Carlini. Herds Sinatra.

Fiorentina Waterpolo Giotti: Gigli Biancardi 3, work 1, 2 Colaiocco, De Magistris, Casanova 2, Dravucz 3 (2 rig.), Masi, Bucelli, Cotti, Beans, Frassinetti 2 (1 rig.) Chiti.

Referee: De Cesare.

Note: partial 3-3, 0-3, 2-5, 0-2. Outputs to limit fouls Bacigalupo (R) in the second and Queirolo (R) in the third period. Gigli (F) has saved a penalty in the fourth Dalorto time. S
numerical uperiorità: Rapallo 1 / 5, Fiorentina 2 / 8. Approximately 200 spectators

Press Fiorentina Wp

RAPALLO - Start on the right foot of the season Fiorentina Waterpolo you require in the pool of Rapallo with the result of 13-5 and wins its first points in the standings. After a balanced first portion, completed the score of 3-3, Gianni De Magistris girls have picked up the match by taking home the other three games with a partially convincing. " After a halting start - said the coach De Magistris - also due to the small size of the pool, we took off to take home the victory. I am happy with how he played the team, also took to the water because all the girls available. Unfortunately - concluded the coach - he played on n the Lapi to the vicissitudes that we now know, even if it was in the stands to support us, and its absence is a moral issue for us as well as technical ".


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