Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Find My Quickbooks License Number

subtitle: no, I'm not dead and indeed are more alive (and sentimentalona) than ever!

Turbigo to start the year and finish in London ... there is no doubt that this was a special year.
A year ago, these days, I was fresh out of college fresh: the new year for me it has brought a load of hopes, but especially so many questions about the future.
§ Nine months later (even had a birth!) The situation had not improved, and I was still in the infernal circle of the "young graduates-in-search-of-first-employment".
I had nothing on his hands.
the questions grew, and then began to peep again, that desire to leave, to live in one of those countries I had visited as a tourist ... Canada, Ireland, Germany, London ...
The desire to leave, very strong during the first year of university, was returning .. what to do?
take everything and "escape", or stay and keep trying?
And finally, after much thinking, The first solution seemed the best, not easier, that's for sure, because it is not easy to start with some money, hoping for a fluke or just a little 'more consideration from the "society ".. and above all without work or home, and my affections away.

and then?
October 15 and then I found myself on a flight, destination Gatwick airport, with my friend always Federica (which will never stop to thank from my heart for being there and supporting me / born yet)

October 15, two Italian Embassy in London.
the first week was tough, very tough: no home, tossed from a hotel another, from one to another starbucks (blessed wi-fi) looking for a house has been devastating, we meet in the evening to seek a further night in the hotel with the persistent feeling that no, we never found a London home for us and that it was closing the door again before he could knock.
there were tears, but with a strength of soul which I knew I had also been beaten back back .. the constant thought was "after all, is only the beginning!"
and in fact, it was just the beginning!

After much trying, we found our little corner in London is not perfect, and is far from it, but our little house (and our patience!) holds good for now!
and after the house, the coming of the work, in one of those rare moments really lucky: I find a little place close to home French, absent-mindedly leave your resume ... 24 hours time and I have a job.
timing, of course .. Fortunately, no doubt .. But how nice to find work after a day of research, when in Italy I had been waiting months and months with no results?
Even here in the early days were tough, but this time the tears have taken over!
and now I feel good and, apart from some obvious and inevitable episode, I liked the job .. is not the work of a lifetime, but for now I'm happy! And so

I want to start the new year: HAPPY
that's not why I came here?
wake up in the morning and, despite the problems and fatigue, to smile and think that I also have my own little corner of the world, my little corner of London.

and then I wish you all the same: lots of happiness for this coming year.


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