Saturday, December 18, 2010

Totoy Madriaga Rent Gown

Pause vital

E' nelle pause
che ritrovo me stesso.

Paper Restaurant Hats


Poveri abeti,
truccati a Natale
come puttane a festa.

Vaseline For Masterbation


Più aumentano i mezzi di comunicazione,
e meno comunichiamo veramente.

Ride Of Valkyrie Online


Come fiocco di neve
che puro attraversa il cielo
e infine si mischia al fango.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kenstar Microwave Oven Manual

beginning of the year I'm still alive!

summary of previous games. Anna

as well as the Mela in London

no, they are not gone nor they are dispersed in a pile of snow (even though the company of a beautiful St. Bernard with his flask of whiskey, I would not mind!) .. are still alive and kicking!

The problem is that they are almost always at work!
's really a busy period at work, Christmas is approaching .... and when I get home I try to do everything in reference week, to make a type washing machine, take off my mustache (I was becoming a sort of lieutenant Garcia in a skirt), cook something myself and not have always been my best friend .. or chess, shooting a bit 'to London!

and exactly, speaking tours for London ... I'll tell you where I've been lately! Two

ago Wednesday I went to the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM!

Abstract: The natural history museum in my opinion is one of the milestones for all tourists in London.
I exaggerated, but for me it is one of the most beautiful places that you can find in town!
even if you have time, desire, if there is poor alignment of the stars, do me and yourselves a favor revenue just to see the entrance (and then is free, so even better)!

like being in a cathedral, it is wonderful!

Then you will find at the skeleton of a dinosaur and other items ..

.. and continuing up the stairs you will find the section of a giant sequoia that is really big!

The first time I was in London as a tourist, I had also made this small lap ... but this time I found myself, Federica and Andres and we decided to turn to the right gallery!

FOUR HOURS it took us four hours.
and we left because we had not finished watching all the things on display, because we saw it in four hours and no mid-museum! We are unfortunately due to leave because visiting hours had ended! ç_____ç

The December 1, instead, I spent all Christmas shopping!!
Covent Garden, Oxford Street, China town, the usual round anyway ... but I managed to find all the gifts that I had set out to buy!! ^___^

the evening we found ourselves with Andres, a Colombian friend of ours, to explore the Winter Wonderland: Christmas fair in Hyde Park.
There are so many rides and some market .. is not a traditional market such as ones I've seen in Germany, and there was a little 'bad! but after all it was nice!

But I found that there are a couple of Christmas markets in London ... I absolutely have to visit them!!