Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Doujinshi Bulma Brief

Maugeri new coach of Holland, Italy still no name

Comments of posters, and Ferri Sellaroli

Julius Lanyards

After an anxious wait, finally the Dutch Federation has lifted any doubt about the name of the outgoing Robin Van Galen, Olympic champion in office. The name is Mauro Maugeri, who won the ballot with a colleague and compatriot Paolo Malara.

Former national coaches of Settebello and setters, have been summoned on Monday in the federal seat of Utrecht, and today the choice was made. The objective will obviously London 2012.

Stephen Foster, Andrea Sellaroli and Furio Ferri commented on the choice of CT Maugeri Dutch and silences of FIN on the appointment of new coach of the setter:

rear "I am very pleased because the decision to contact an experienced Italian however I believe should be a recognition for the entire category. certain that picking up a national champion Olympic implies courage but he who does this job must have the courage to strength. "

Sellaroli " I am very happy to Maughan, a technician of his value is right that's a place so important and having agreed to replace a coach who just won the Olympic gold as it did with l'Italia, la prendo come una sua voglia di dire/dare ancora qualcosa di importante, sicuramente avrà "ricaricato le pile" e questo gli permetterà di fare bene. E' anche bello vedere che all'estero apprezzino i tecnici italiani...”

Ferri: "la scelta di Maugeri da parte della Federazione Olandese penso sia soprattutto un riconoscimento al lavoro svolto con l'Orizzonte dove ha vinto tanto. La scelta di Maugeri di accettare la nazionale campione olimpica è sicuramente una scelta che ti mente in gioco totalmente, una scelta molto coraggiosa, una scelta, secndo me, che sa molto di rivincita."

Intanto in Italia ancora tutto tace sul nome del nuovo CT . Ancora, after the exoneration of the Dutch neo CT FIN has not taken a decision on the future replacement, below the comments of the coaches of Bologna, Padua and Florentia.

rear "I think that regardless of the lack of choice that leads us to be lagging behind other nations is strange that the general silence. I hope will be resolved as soon as possible also to give the new coach enough time to organize their work. "

Sellaroli " I'm not in the question, I do not know what's going on, but I do not think that the FIN is snubbing the problem, surely you are taking time to find the best possible solution. I read that in Holland have done months of talks, I think this'll be happening here too. "

Ferri: " I do not know what problems exist for choosing the new coach of the women, but it was all done we are still waiting for the name. The most important problem is the I do not miss much time at the World Championships in Rome. "

Monday, December 1, 2008

Stand Up Tan Can How Does It Work

Gino Leone: "We have to play like we know"

Aniko Pelle of Hungary awarded as the best athlete last season

Dante Prospero Press Office REM Ortigia Siracusa

Syracuse, Dec. 2 '08 - Round-week home Rem for Ortigia Syracuse tomorrow at 15 pm, referee Alessia Ferri, houses Fontalba Messina Giusy Malato.

After two trips and as many consecutive victories in Liguria, Syracuse reach for a derby but easy. The peloritane, despite the 4 points in the standings, teams are full of individuality in the last round and have a hard time in Padova (7 to 5 to a plebiscite).

Giusy Malato and Andrew Toth diamond tips with their promising young Strait growing game by game. "The midweek rounds are never easy - ammette il tecnico bianco verde Gino Leone – e affrontare questo Messina non è cosa da poco. Dovremo giocare come sappiamo, anzi, come giochiamo da tre turni a questa parte.

Le due trasferte liguri sono state positive sotto molti punti di vista – continua il tecnico siracusano – Ho visto lo spirito di gruppo ideale per riprendere il cammino in campionato dopo la brutta battuta d’arresto di Catania. È chiaro che questo non deve farci credere che il peggio è finito; gli ostacoli sono dietro l’angolo e noi abbiamo l’obbligo, se vogliamo mirare in alto, di dare il massimo contro tutte le squadre”. Intanto oggi rifinitura in view of the match tomorrow. In "Paul Calderella magazine has also Aniko Pelle (pictured) who has enjoyed a special permit to fly home to receive the special prize assigned to it as the best Hungarian athlete last season.